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ili Content Menagment System je izraz za programirane web stranice što Vam omogućava da samostalno i jednostavno unosite ili brišete sadržaj sa svojih internet stranica putem jednostavnog i preglednog administratorskog sučelja, a što je vrlo bitno, bez ikakvih posebnih predznanja.

Za rad Vam dovoljan je samo Vaš preglednik web stranica (browser), a to je upravo Vaš Internet Explorer ili neki drugi program koji upravo i sada koristite kada čitate ovaj tekst.

Tekst je moguće unositi direktno ili tako da ga jednostavno kopirate iz Microsoft Worda ili drugog tekst editora, a formatirate ga onako kako ste navikli u svom programu za obradu teksta. Kao što pišete stranice u Wordu, ili Excelu, tako pišete i sadržaj za Vaše web stranice, direktno u Vašem Control panelu, ili sve napišete u npr. Wordu, a potom to isto kopirate na svoje stranice. Da ste naručili i "klasičnu" izradu web stranica, svejedno bi morali webmasteru pripremiti tekst i fotografije.

Kako bi se u potpunosti upoznali sa našim CMS aplikacijama za Vaše buduće stranice, pripremili smo Vam veliki broj primjera i pregleda.


U Hrvatskoj je već preko milijun korisnika interneta. Izrada kvalitetnih internet stranica je nužnost.


Directory that has a section using ODP data, powered by phpODP.

Description: Directory that has a section using ODP data, powered by phpODP.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - A - Other37
URL:  http://www.addurl-free.com

BrightPlanet Search Tutorial
Description: Practical steps to improve the quality of your Internet search results.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Help and Tutorials - Cms Other73
URL:  http://brightplanet.com

Description: Travel directory for South America and Antarctica drawn from relevant categories in the ODP in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Other80
URL:  http://www.cape-horn.com

Description: Uses entire ODP data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Cms Other91
URL:  http://www.clickheretoleave.com

Dublin Business Directory
Description: Uses the content from the Dublin, Ireland category in Regional, and adds advertising.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - D - Cms Other57
URL:  http://www.dublin.biz

Description: A directory of links organised into categories sorted alphabetically.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other69
URL:  http://www.e-lynks.com

Free Pint
Description: Newsletter with tips on using the internet for serious research, posted twice a month.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Mailing Lists - Cms Other36
URL:  http://www.freepint.com

Description: Web directory and a search engine for Gaza Strip including a copy of the ODP directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - G - Cms Other41
URL:  http://www.gaza.net

Homeschool SuperSearch
Description: Filtered, family-safe search engine and directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Family Friendly - Cms Other22
URL:  http://www.homeschoolsupersearch.net

Hunt It Out
Description: Meta search tool offering web, image, news and shopping searches. Also has a directory taken from the Open Directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - H - Cms Other29
URL:  http://www.huntitout.com

Information Research FAQ
Description: How to find information on the Internet and beyond. Covers theory in great detail.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Help and Tutorials - Cms Other44
URL:  http://spireproject.com

Land of Links
Description: A small directory with no adult content.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Family Friendly - Cms Other92
URL:  http://www.landoflinks.com

Description: Site dedicated to the collection of official and unofficial Google logos.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other27
URL:  http://www.logoogle.com

Description: Uses the data sets for several of the larger countries, with full attribution. Searchable by area, and also includes a lunch buddy search.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Cms Other31
URL:  http://www.lunchspark.com

Description: Allows single interface to search multiple search engines with duplicates filtered out. Results list search engine sources.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other54
URL:  http://www.metastrike.com

Description: Music site uses ODP directory with Thumbshots and powered by PHPODP.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other56
URL:  http://www.metronimo.com

Description: Roberto Morelli sells a script harvesting the ODP listings, which delivers both category browsing and search capabilities. Includes a demonstration.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Use of ODP Data - Upload Tools - Cms Other58
URL:  http://www.mimanet.com

Description: Directory using the ODP data. Also offers categorized news.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other64
URL:  http://www.mozdir.com

Description: Web portal with search, directory using the ODP, real estate, shopping, news, finance, stock quotes, recipes, indoor air quality information, travel.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other65
URL:  http://www.mreverything.com

Description: Netscape buys freeware directory (November 18, 1998)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1998 - Cms Other90
URL:  http://www.news.com

Description: A directory of kid safe sites in over 500 categories, compiled by Jim Perkins, plus Google's safe search.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Family Friendly - Cms Other97
URL:  http://www.onekey.com

Random Google Page
Description: Uses a given amount of terms to select a 'random' page from the index.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other73
URL:  http://bleb.org

Description: Directory based on the Open Directory, with ntegrated website snapshots from Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - R - Cms Other75
URL:  http://www.ranksearchengine.com

Recovery Helper
Description: Includes a copy of the Open Directory categories on substance abuse.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - R - Cms Other77
URL:  http://www.recoveryhelper.org

Search Engine Watch
Description: NewHoo Becomes Netscape Open Directory (December 3, 1998)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1998 - Cms Other38
URL:  http://www.searchenginewatch.com

Description: Non-commercial metasearch. Results are merged, with pages from the same website grouped together. Each result has links to a site preview, Alexa information and site history in the Internet Archive, plus data on its placing in the search engines.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other60
URL:  http://www.seekz.com

Description: Shopping directory that also uses the entire ODP directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other68
URL:  http://www.shopseek.com

The Google Dance Syndrome, Part 1
Description: Examines Google's update process and its effects on search engine optimization.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other55
URL:  http://www.clickz.com

Description: Wilkshire, Ohio guide uses ODP for its web searching database. POD. Live data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - W - Cms Other52
URL:  http://www.wilkshire.net

Yahoo! Internet Life
Description: Open Directory chosen as 'Incredibly Useful Site' (February 7, 2000)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 2000 - Cms Other75
URL:  http://www.zdnet.com

Description: Aims to present the Open Directory in a clear format with intuitive navigation. Advertising added.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - Z - Cms Other86
URL:  http://www.zenbit.com