Klikni za opširnije

Ponuda izrade internet stranica za tvrtke, obrtnike, udruge...

ili Content Menagment System je izraz za programirane web stranice što Vam omogućava da samostalno i jednostavno unosite ili brišete sadržaj sa svojih internet stranica putem jednostavnog i preglednog administratorskog sučelja, a što je vrlo bitno, bez ikakvih posebnih predznanja.

Za rad Vam dovoljan je samo Vaš preglednik web stranica (browser), a to je upravo Vaš Internet Explorer ili neki drugi program koji upravo i sada koristite kada čitate ovaj tekst.

Tekst je moguće unositi direktno ili tako da ga jednostavno kopirate iz Microsoft Worda ili drugog tekst editora, a formatirate ga onako kako ste navikli u svom programu za obradu teksta. Kao što pišete stranice u Wordu, ili Excelu, tako pišete i sadržaj za Vaše web stranice, direktno u Vašem Control panelu, ili sve napišete u npr. Wordu, a potom to isto kopirate na svoje stranice. Da ste naručili i "klasičnu" izradu web stranica, svejedno bi morali webmasteru pripremiti tekst i fotografije.

Kako bi se u potpunosti upoznali sa našim CMS aplikacijama za Vaše buduće stranice, pripremili smo Vam veliki broj primjera i pregleda.


U Hrvatskoj je već preko milijun korisnika interneta. Izrada kvalitetnih internet stranica je nužnost.


WEB CATALOG: Best of Google Answers

Highlights exceptional questions posted to the information service.

Best of Google Answers
Description: Highlights exceptional questions posted to the information service.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other28
URL:  http://google.rajjesh.com

Description: Links to selected search engines, and a directory using live data from the ODP.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - B - Other33
URL:  http://www.bestsearchers.com

Description: Provides a searchable directory based on the Open Directory Project, as well as news from Canadian sources and free space for blogs.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - B - Other35
URL:  http://www.bigsearch.ca/

Description: Web directory using ODP data, with added advertising.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Other30
URL:  http://www.cses.us/

Description: Directory using the ODP, together with news and favourites.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - D - Other52
URL:  http://www.dolally.com

DWodp Live
Description: Adfree, fully working demonstation version of the PHP Script DWOdp.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - D - Other61
URL:  http://www.dominion-web.com

Get Out Tonight
Description: Restaurant and nightlife guide. Uses the United States dataset with a broad geographic search.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Other48
URL:  http://getouttonight.com

Information Research FAQ
Description: How to find information on the Internet and beyond. Covers theory in great detail.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Help and Tutorials - Cms Other44
URL:  http://spireproject.com

Description: Compiles information from multiple sources, weeds out dead and questionable links, stores findings in a personal library, and provides a summarized report. Registration is required. Free for a trial period.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other78
URL:  http://karnak.com

Description: Uses ODP directory with Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other51
URL:  http://www.metadirectorio.com

Monster Crawler
Description: Parallel search powered by InfoSpace, plus links to some popular sites.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - InfoSpace - Cms Other61
URL:  http://www.monstercrawler.com

Net 1000.net Network
Description: News headlines, chat, comparison shop, and online games. RDF dump.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - N - Cms Other77
URL:  http://www.net1000.net

Netcraft Web Site Finder
Description: Searches domain registrations that contain certain words, strings, or characters. Reports a site's operating system, web server, and netblock owner.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Specialized - Cms Other79
URL:  http://www.netcraft.com

PC World Magazine
Description: How to Stop Searching and Start Finding (August 1, 2000)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 2000 - Cms Other42
URL:  http://www.pcworld.com

Pileiton Business Web Directory
Description: Businesses listed in a hierarchy of two category levels, with submitter-supplied titles and description.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other52
URL:  http://www.pileiton.com

Description: Shows only places in the United States that serve pizza, and provides an RSS feed of recent reviews. Part of an interlinked network of sites that use ChefMoz data for single cuisines. Full attribution.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Cms Other54
URL:  http://www.pizzajoints.com

San Jose Business Journal
Description: Online directories beginning to charge (May 3, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1999 - Cms Other99
URL:  http://www.amcity.com

Description: Directory using live data from the Open Directory, plus world news.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other24
URL:  http://www.scrale.com

Description: Sells fishing equipment. Site includes uses a directory based on the ODP category Recreation: Outdoors: Fishing, powered by phpodp.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other83
URL:  http://www.smartcast-rf30.com

South Seek
Description: Uses ODP data for web directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other91
URL:  http://www.southseek.com

Description: Uses advanced filtering technology to deliver millions of web sites in a safe environment.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Family Friendly - Cms Other28
URL:  http://www.stopdog.com

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser
Description: Java application that uses the Web API to produce graphs of related pages by running 'similar-to' queries on Google.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other77
URL:  http://www.touchgraph.com

UK Political Info
Description: UK politics portal uses extracts from the ODP directory, with site previews provided by Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - U - Cms Other92
URL:  http://www.ukpolitical.info

Uncover the Net
Description: Internet directory, lyrics, and how-to articles on varied topics, all of which can be searched by keyword or browsed by category. Also offers news and image search.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other96
URL:  http://www.uncoverthenet.com

Description: Netscape's Open Directory Project aims to out-Yahoo (March 8, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1999 - Cms Other39
URL:  http://www.webreference.com

Description: A searchable directory taken from the ODP.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - W - Cms Other41
URL:  http://www.weknowabout.com

Who Built It
Description: Reverse search - enter a URL to find out what designer, developer or interactive agency created a website.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Specialized - Cms Other45
URL:  http://econstructors.com

Wikipedia: Open Directory Project
Description: An article describing the history and growth of the directory and explaining its organization, maintenance, management, policies and procedures, and criticisms of it.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Cms Other51
URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org

Win Stuff
Description: New Zealand competition directory featuring links to online and offline competitions. Includes copy of ODP directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - W - Cms Other53
URL:  http://www.winstuff.co.nz/

Yahoo.com and You
Description: Movieprop considers Yahoo's beginnings and its transformation from directory to portal.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Yahoo - History - Cms Other76
URL:  http://www.movieprop.com

Description: Open source gathering steam (December 18, 1998)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1998 - Cms Other83
URL:  http://www.zdnet.com