Klikni za opširnije

Ponuda izrade internet stranica za tvrtke, obrtnike, udruge...

ili Content Menagment System je izraz za programirane web stranice što Vam omogućava da samostalno i jednostavno unosite ili brišete sadržaj sa svojih internet stranica putem jednostavnog i preglednog administratorskog sučelja, a što je vrlo bitno, bez ikakvih posebnih predznanja.

Za rad Vam dovoljan je samo Vaš preglednik web stranica (browser), a to je upravo Vaš Internet Explorer ili neki drugi program koji upravo i sada koristite kada čitate ovaj tekst.

Tekst je moguće unositi direktno ili tako da ga jednostavno kopirate iz Microsoft Worda ili drugog tekst editora, a formatirate ga onako kako ste navikli u svom programu za obradu teksta. Kao što pišete stranice u Wordu, ili Excelu, tako pišete i sadržaj za Vaše web stranice, direktno u Vašem Control panelu, ili sve napišete u npr. Wordu, a potom to isto kopirate na svoje stranice. Da ste naručili i "klasičnu" izradu web stranica, svejedno bi morali webmasteru pripremiti tekst i fotografije.

Kako bi se u potpunosti upoznali sa našim CMS aplikacijama za Vaše buduće stranice, pripremili smo Vam veliki broj primjera i pregleda.


U Hrvatskoj je već preko milijun korisnika interneta. Izrada kvalitetnih internet stranica je nužnost.



Description: Provides a search powered by Google, and a directory from the ODP. Directory listings can be ordered by popularity, user rating or alphabetically, and there are links to Alexa's information on each site.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - A - Other44
URL:  http://www.alexa.com

All About Hosting
Description: Includes a searchable directory of hosting providers, using ODP data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - A - Other45
URL:  http://www.all-about-hosting.com

Channel Queer
Description: Directory of Irish lesbian and gay sites. Uses live ODP data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Other85
URL:  http://www.channelqueer.com

City Diary
Description: Uses the data set for the United States, with inserted ads. Full attribution.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Other89
URL:  http://citydiary.com

Description: Pay per click site uses ODP directory with Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Other92
URL:  http://www.clixshare.com

DWodp Live
Description: Adfree, fully working demonstation version of the PHP Script DWOdp.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - D - Other61
URL:  http://www.dominion-web.com

Description: Offering a searchable ODP based directory with previews by Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - E - WEB
URL:  http://www.ekkey.com

Geoffrey's Search Center
Description: Gives you centralized, one-click access to more than five dozen search engines, letting you quickly and easily search the Internet.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Multi-Search - Cms Other44
URL:  http://www.geoffreyssearch.info

Google Advisor
Description: Provides information and strategies concerning the Google search engine, PageRank, AdWords, and Adsense.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other67
URL:  http://www.googleadvisor.org

Google World
Description: A categorized directory by Indicateur of links to information on Google, some to pages on Google.com itself, others external.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other82
URL:  http://google.indicateur.com

Description: Uses ODP Data as a starting point to showcase invisible web search engine. RDF dump.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - I - Cms Other36
URL:  http://www.incywincy.com

Description: Uses entire ODP data powered by Biz-directory.org.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - I - Cms Other37
URL:  http://www.indexfree.com

Instant Directory
Description: HTML code to add the Open Directory to a web site, with banner ads.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Use of ODP Data - Upload Tools - Cms Other50
URL:  http://www.instantdirectory.net

Description: Compiles information from multiple sources, weeds out dead and questionable links, stores findings in a personal library, and provides a summarized report. Registration is required. Free for a trial period.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other78
URL:  http://karnak.com

King Directory
Description: Offers a small self-created directory, plus a copy of the Open Directory, powered by phpODP, with site previews added from Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - K - Cms Other83
URL:  http://www.kingdir.com

La Toile des Toiles
Description: Provides collection of governmental, financial, commercial, Web, and educational links for each country. Interface in English and French.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other88
URL:  http://www.la-toile.com

Description: Includes large archive of lyrics, plus full use of ODP data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Data - L - Cms Other32
URL:  http://www.lyrics.com

Mars Open Directory
Description: The 'Mars' section of the Open Directory Project, maintained by the MarsNews.com. Gateway.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other40
URL:  http://www.marsnews.com

Description: Web portal with search, directory using the ODP, real estate, shopping, news, finance, stock quotes, recipes, indoor air quality information, travel.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - M - Cms Other65
URL:  http://www.mreverything.com

Nations Online
Description: A list of virtual gateways to the countries of the world.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other75
URL:  http://www.nationsonline.org

Description: Searchable directory based on the entire Open Directory Project.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - O - Cms Other96
URL:  http://www.odyssearch.com

OnFocus.com: Google Smackdown
Description: Takes two words or phrases as input, queries Google via its API, and receives the estimated total results for each word or phrase to show which one is most popular.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other99
URL:  http://www.onfocus.com

PC World News
Description: Netscape's Volunteer Army Indexes Web (December 2, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1999 - Cms Other43
URL:  http://www.pcworld.com

Resource Discovery Network
Description: Gateway to subject catalogues with links to high quality Internet sites, selected and described by specialists from within UK academia. Also interactive web tutorials and alerting services.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Non-Commercial - Cms Other84
URL:  http://www.rdn.ac.uk

Description: Dining in Halifax, Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Southern Ontario, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. Find restaurants by cuisine or features. Offers numerical user ratings.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - North America - Canada - Cms Other86
URL:  http://www.restaurant.ca/

Description: AOL Search Big Improvement For Members (November 1, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1999 - Cms Other46
URL:  http://www.searchenginewatch.com

Description: Multilingual directory and search engine. Accepts free and express paid site submissions.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Volunteer-Edited - Cms Other76
URL:  http://www.skaffe.com

Topaz Restaurant Guide
Description: Dining guide based on ChefMoz data for North America, but organized by area code and cuisine.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Cms Other75
URL:  http://www.topazguide.com

Web Search Strategies
Description: Debbie Flanagan's interactive tutorial on using search engines, subject directories, and specific databases to find information on the Internet fast and effectively.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Help and Tutorials - Cms Other27
URL:  http://www.learnwebskills.com

Description: Netscape Improves Search Service (June 24, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Other84
URL:  http://www.zdnet.com