Klikni za opširnije

Ponuda izrade internet stranica za tvrtke, obrtnike, udruge...

ili Content Menagment System je izraz za programirane web stranice što Vam omogućava da samostalno i jednostavno unosite ili brišete sadržaj sa svojih internet stranica putem jednostavnog i preglednog administratorskog sučelja, a što je vrlo bitno, bez ikakvih posebnih predznanja.

Za rad Vam dovoljan je samo Vaš preglednik web stranica (browser), a to je upravo Vaš Internet Explorer ili neki drugi program koji upravo i sada koristite kada čitate ovaj tekst.

Tekst je moguće unositi direktno ili tako da ga jednostavno kopirate iz Microsoft Worda ili drugog tekst editora, a formatirate ga onako kako ste navikli u svom programu za obradu teksta. Kao što pišete stranice u Wordu, ili Excelu, tako pišete i sadržaj za Vaše web stranice, direktno u Vašem Control panelu, ili sve napišete u npr. Wordu, a potom to isto kopirate na svoje stranice. Da ste naručili i "klasičnu" izradu web stranica, svejedno bi morali webmasteru pripremiti tekst i fotografije.

Kako bi se u potpunosti upoznali sa našim CMS aplikacijama za Vaše buduće stranice, pripremili smo Vam veliki broj primjera i pregleda.


U Hrvatskoj je već preko milijun korisnika interneta. Izrada kvalitetnih internet stranica je nužnost.



Add New Restaurant
Description: Form to add an entry directly to the dining guide, bypassing features for the US part. Mainly made for Switzerland, but also useful for other countries.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Tools for Editors - ChefMoz Editors - Cms Other36
URL:  http://chefmoz.org

Description: Manually edited, advertisement-free directory, which features the 'Top 5 Sites' and 'Site of the Month'.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Family Friendly - Cms Other43
URL:  http://www.ajdee.com

Cocaine Help
Description: Site with information for cocaine recovery issues, using the ODP directory powered by PHPODP with Thumbshots.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - C - Cms Other20
URL:  http://www.cocainehelp.org

Description: World-wide web directory based on the Open Directory Project.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - F - Cms Other95
URL:  http://www.fineindex.com

Description: Web directory and a search engine for Gaza Strip including a copy of the ODP directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - G - Cms Other41
URL:  http://www.gaza.net

gGoogle search
Description: Ad and cookie free Google search.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other51
URL:  http://www.ki4bbo.org

Google API Search Tool
Description: Free standalone tool to search Google. Requires a license key.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other69
URL:  http://www.searchenginelab.com

Description: Uses entire ODP data powered by Biz-directory.org.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - I - Cms Other37
URL:  http://www.indexfree.com

Description: Directory using ODP data from the England regional branch.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - I - Cms Other42
URL:  http://www.info-england.net

Internet Access Provider
Description: Offers the ability to search for an internet access provider by geographic location. Includes ODP data within results.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - I - Cms Other52
URL:  http://www.internet-access-provider.com

Librarians' Internet Index
Description: Searchable and annotated subject directory of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to users of public libraries.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Non-Commercial - Cms Other97
URL:  http://lii.org

Loop Improvements: NRS Open Directory
Description: A commercial solution that parses the RDF dump weekly to import the entire Open Directory onto a local server, in a searchable and customizable format.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Use of ODP Data - Upload Tools - Cms Other29
URL:  http://www.loopimprovements.com

Myriad Search
Description: Combines the results of Google, Yahoo, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves in one advertisement-free stream, highlighted to show the source of each result. The user can exclude selected engines, or select the ratio of results from them.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other73
URL:  http://www.myriadsearch.com

Net 1000.net Network
Description: News headlines, chat, comparison shop, and online games. RDF dump.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - N - Cms Other77
URL:  http://www.net1000.net

Pocket Flier
Description: Pay per click site using ODP data.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - P - Cms Other57
URL:  http://www.pocketflier.com

Psychedelix List of User-Agents
Description: Andreas Staeding's large list of search engine spiders, similar Web robots, and Web browsers: their web-log identification and links to their originators.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Robots - Cms Other66
URL:  http://www.psychedelix.com

Re-Quest dot Net
Description: Online library of internet and reference resources.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Cms Other81
URL:  http://www.re-quest.net

Description: Options include choice between top and all engines, sorting by relevance, source, or title.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - Cms Other49
URL:  http://www.searches.com

SEO Journal News: Google
Description: News topics specific to Google's technology.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - News and Media - Cms Other63
URL:  http://www.seojournal.com

Description: Shopping directory that also uses the entire ODP directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other68
URL:  http://www.shopseek.com

South Seek
Description: Uses ODP data for web directory.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - S - Cms Other91
URL:  http://www.southseek.com

Spider Track
Description: Tracks and displays real time hits and IP addresses of MSNbot, Yahoo's Slurp, and Googlebot. Provides aggregate hits of each spider over the last 30 days.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Robots - Cms Other95
URL:  http://www.spidertrack.org

Splode.com: Old Browsers
Description: Collection of screenshots of Google in browsers such as Mosaic and WorldWideWeb.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Cms Other97
URL:  http://www.splode.com

Stadtaus: Google Dance Tool PHP Script
Description: A PHP script to compare the results of the three Google servers www, www2 and www3 at a glance. The tool can be downloaded and used without charge or registration.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Search Engines - Google - Tools - Cms Other23
URL:  http://www.stadtaus.com

Description: Indexing portal in directory form that uses volunteer to maintain a sub-portal.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Volunteer-Edited - Cms Other25
URL:  http://www.start4all.com

Description: Yahoo Gets 'Open Content' With GeoCities Deal (January 29, 1999)
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - News and Media - 1999 - Cms Other48
URL:  http://www.techweb.com

The House Plans House
Description: This house plans site includes a directory of building products suppliers and manufacturers built using RDF data from the Open Directory Project.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - H - Cms Other56
URL:  http://www.house-plans-house.com

Description: Directory of ODP data with Thumbshots based on the World, Francais category.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - W - Cms Other31
URL:  http://www.webcherche.com

Description: Web search including images, audio, video, and news. White pages, and yellow pages.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Metasearch - InfoSpace - Cms Other34
URL:  http://www.webcrawler.com

Description: Directory using ODP live data, together with metasearch, yellow pages and a web glossary.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Directories - Open Directory Project - Sites Using ODP Data - W - Cms Other36
URL:  http://www.webguest.com

Description: Offers access to search engines news, shopping, developer information sites and Hebrew web sites. No images for speed.
Category: 5. 3. 2008. - Multi-Search - Cms Other79
URL:  http://www.yaweli.com