Zakoni i propisi - Pravni savjeti 16 3.12.1998. Zakon o potvrđivanju Europskog ugovora o glavnim unutarnjim plovnim putovima od međunarodnog značaja (AGN)

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Na osnovi članka 89. Ustava Republike Hrvatske, donosim



Proglašavam Zakon o potvrđivanju Europskog ugovora o glavnim unutarnjim plovnim putovima od međunarodnog značaja (AGN), koji je donio Zastupnički dom Hrvatskoga državnog sabora na sjednici 12. studenoga 1998.

Broj: 081-98-2073/1
Zagreb, 18. studenoga 1998.

Republike Hrvatske
dr. Franjo Tuđman, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.



Članak 1.

Potvrđuje se Europski ugovor o glavnim unutarnjim plovnim putovima od međunarodnog značaja (AGN), sačinjen u Genevi, 19. siječnja 1996., u izvorniku na engleskom, francuskom i ruskom jeziku, i potpisan od strane Republike Hrvatske u Helsinkiju, 24. lipnja 1997.

Članak 2.

Tekst Europskog ugovora o glavnim unutarnjim plovnim putovima od međunarodnog značaja (AGN) u izvorniku na engleskom i u prijevodu na hrvatski jezik glasi:



CONSCIOUS of the need to facilitate and develop international transport by inland waterways in Europe,

AWARE of the expected increase in the international transport of goods as a result of growing international trade,

EMPHASIZING the important role of inland water transport, which in comparison with other modes of inland transport has economic and ecological advantages and offers spare infrastructure and vessel capacity and is therefore capable of lowering social costs and negative impacts on the environment by inland transport as a whole,

CONVINCED that, in order to make international inland water transport in Europe more efficient and attractive to customers, it is essential to establish a legal framework which lays down a coordinated plan for the development and construction of a network of inland waterways of international importance, based on agreed infrastructure and operational parameters,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1


The Contracting Parties adopt the provisions of this Agreement as a coordinated plan for the development and construction of a network of inland waterways, hereinafter referred to as the »network of inland waterways of international importance« or »E wateryay network«, which they intend to undertake within the framework of their relevant programmes. The E waterway network consists of inland waterways and ports of international importance as described in annexes I and II to this Agreement.

Article 2


The network of inland waterways of international importance referred to in article 1 shall conform to the caracteristics set out in annex III to this Agreement or will be brought into confromity with the provisions of this annex in future improvement work.

Article 3


The annexes to this Agreement form an integral part of the Agreement.

Article 4


The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the depositary of this Agreement.

Article 5


1. This Agreement shall be open at the Office of the United Nations in Geneva for signature by States which are members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe or have been admitted to the Commission in a consultative capacity in conformity with paragraphs 8 and 11 of the Terms of Reference of the Commission, from 1 October 1996 to 30 September 1997.

2. Such signatures shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval.

Article 6


1. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 5.

2. Ratification, acceptance or approval shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 7


1. This Agreement shall be open for accession by any State referred to in paragraph 1 of article 5 from 1 October 1996 onwards.

2. Accessions shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 8


1. This Agreement shall enter into force 90 days after the date on which the Governments of five States have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, provided that one or more waterways of the network of inland waterways of international importance link, in a continuous manner, the territories of at least three of the States which have deposited such an instrument.

2. If this condition is not fulfilled, the Agreement shall enter into force 90 days after the date of the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, whereby the said condition will be satisfied.

3. For each State which deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession afte the commencement of the period of 90 days specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, the Agreement shall enter into force 90 days after the date of the deposit of the said instrument.

Article 9


1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as preventing a Contracting Party from taking such action, compatible with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and limited to the exigencies of the situation, as it considers necessary for its external or internal security.

2. Such measures, which must be temporary, shall be notified immediately to the depositary and their nature specified.

Article 10


1. Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties which relates to the interpretation or application of this Agreement and which the Parties in dispute are unable to settle by negotiation or other means shall be referred to arbitration if any of the Contracting Parties in dispute so requests and shall, to that end, be submitted to one or more arbitrators selected by mutual agreement between the Parties in dispute. If the Parties in dispute fail to agree on the choice of an arbitrator or arbitrators within three months after the request for arbitration, any of those Parties may request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to appoint a single arbitrator to whom the dispute shall be submitted for decision.

2. The award of the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article shall be binding upon the Contracting Parties in dispute.

Article 11


Any State may, at the time of signing this Agreement or of depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it does not consider itself bound by article 10 of this Agreement.

Article 12


1. This Agreement may be amended in accordance with the procedure specified in this article, except as provided for under articles 13 and 14.

2. At the request of a Contracting Party, any amendment proposed by it to this Agreement shall be considered by the Principal Working Party on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

3. If the proposed amendment is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, it shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all Contracting Parties for acceptance.

4. Any proposed amendment communicated in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article shall come into force with respect to all Contracting Parties 3 months after the expiry of a period of 12 months following the date of its communication, provided that during such period of 12 months no objection to the proposed amendment shall have been notified to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by a State which is a Contracting Party.

5. If an objection to the proposed amendment has been notified in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and shall have no effect whatsoever.

Article 13


1. Annexes I and II to this Agreement may be amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in this article.

2. At the request of a Contracting Party, any amendment proposed by it to annexes I and II to this Agreement shall be considered by the Principal Working Party on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

3. If the proposed amendment is adopted by the majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, it shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties directly concerned for acceptance. For the purpose of this article, a Contracting Party shall be considered directly concerned if, in the case of inclusion of a new inland waterway or port of international importance or in the case of their respective modification, its territory is crossed by that inland waterway or if the considered port is situated on the said territory.

4. Any proposed amendment communicated in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall be deemed accepted if, within a period of six months following the date of its communication by the depositary, none of the Contracting Parties directly concerned has notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations of its objection to the proposed amendment.

5. Any amendment thus accepted shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all Contracting Parties and shall enter into force three months after the date of its communication by the depositary.

6. If an objection to the proposed amendment has been notified in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and shall have no effect whatsoever.

7. The depositary shall be kept promptly informed by the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe of the Contracting Parties which are directly concerned by a proposed amendment.

Article 14


1. Annex III to this Agreement may be amended in accordance with the procedure specified in this article.

2. At the request of a Contracting Party, any amendment proposed by it to annex III to this Agreement shall be considered by the Principal Working Party on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

3. If the proposed amendment is adopted by the majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, it shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all Contracting Parties for acceptance.

4. Any proposed amendment communicated in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article shall be deemed accepted unless, within a period of six months following the date of its communication, one fifth or more of the Contracting Parties have notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their objection to the proposed amendment.

5. Any amendment accepted in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all Contracting Parties and shall enter into force three months after the date of its communication with regard to all Contracting Parties except those which have already notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their objection to the proposed amendment within a period of six months following the date of its communication according to paragraph 4 of this article.

6. If one fifth or more of the Contracting Parties have notified an objection to the proposed amendment in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and shall have no effect whatsoever.

Article 15


1. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2. The denuciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt by the Secretary-General of the said notification.

Article 16


If, after the entry into force of this Agreement, the number of Contracting Parties for any period of 12 consecutive months is reduced to less than five, the Agreement shall cease to have effect 12 months after the date on which the fifth State ceased to be a Contracting Party.

Article 17


In addition to such notifications and communications as this Agreement may specify, the functions of the Secretary-General of the United Nations as depositary shall be as set out in Part VII of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, concluded on 23 May 1969.

Article 18


The original of this Agreement, of which the English, French and Russian texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Agreement.

Done at Geneva on the nineteenth day of January 1996.



Numbering of inland waterways of international importance

1. All inland waterways of international importance (E waterways) shall have two-, four- or six-digit numbers preceded by the letter »E«.

2. Main elementary parts of the E waterway network shall have two-digit numbers and their branches and secondary branches (»branches of branches«) shall have four- and six-digit numbers, respectively.

3. Trunk inland waterways which follow a mainly north-south direction providing access to sea ports and connecting one sea basin to another shall be numberad 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 in ascending order from west to east.

4. Trunk inland waterways which follow a mainly west-east direction crossing three or more inland waterways mentioned in 3 above shall be numbered 60, 70, 80 and 90 in ascending order from north to south.

5. Other main inland waterways shall be identified by two-digit numbers between the numbers of the two trunk inland waterways, as mentioned in 3 and 4 above, bertween which they are located.

6. In the case of branches (or branches of branches), the first two (of four) digits shall indicate the relevant higher element of the waterway network and the last two shall indicate individual branches numbered in order from the beginning to the end of the higher element as described in the table below. Even numbers shall be used for right-hand-side branches and odd numbers for left-hand-side branches.



Numbering of inland navigation ports of international importance

All inland navigation ports of international importance (E ports) shall have numbers consisting of the number of the waterway they belong fo followed by a hyphen followed by two digits corresponding to a port on a specific waterway, numbere in order from west to east and from north to south and preceded by the letter »P«. Private ports belonging to particular enterprises shall be marked with an asterisk (*).

List of inland navigation ports of international importance

P 01-01 Dunkerque (Dunkerque - Valenciennes Canal, 20.5 km)

P 01-02 Charleroi (Sambre, 38.8 km)

P 01-03 Namur (Meuse, 46.3 km)

P 01-04 Ličge (Meuse, 113.7 km)

P 01-05 Maastricht (Maas, 4.5 km)

P 01-06 Stein (Maas, 21.9 km)

P 01-07 Born (Maas, 29.7 km)

P 01-08 Maasbracht (Maas, 41.8 km)

P 01-09 Roermond (Maas, 74.3 km)

P 01-10 Oss (Maas, 159.1 km)

P 01-11 Dordrecht (Mervede, 974.4 km)

P 01-12 Zwijndrecht (Oude Maas, 980.6 km)

P 01-13 Vlaardingen (Nieuwe Waterweg, 1010.5 km)

P 01-14 Maassluis (Nieuwe Waterweg, 1018.7 km)

P 01-01-01 Overpelt (Kanaal Bocholt - Herentals, 14.8 km)

P 01-03-01 žs - Hertogenbosch (Zuid - Willemsvaart, 4.0 km)

P 02-01 Zeebrugge (North Sea)

P 02-02 Aalter (Kanal Oostende - Brugge - Gent, 22.5 km)

P 02-03 Lille (Deűle, 42.0 km)

P 02-02-01 Oostende (North Sea)

P 02-04-01 Roeselare (Leie - Roeselare Canal, 0.5 km)

P 02-04-02 Izegem (Leie - Roeselare Canal, 6.4 km)

P 03-01 Moerdijk (Hollands Diep)

P 03-02 Terneuzen (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 32.5 km)

P 03-03 Zelzate (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 19.6 km)

P 03-04 Gent (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 4.6 km)

P 04-01 Vlisssingen (Westerschelde)

P 04-02 Beveren (Beneden Zeeschelde, 22.9 km)

P 04-03 Ruisbroek (Kanal Charleroi - Bruxelles, 58.8 km)

P 04-04 Grimbergen (Kanaal Bruxelles - Rupel, 12.2 km)

P 04-05 Bruxelles (Kanaal Bruxelles - Rupel, 62.0 km)

P 05-01 Avelgem (Bovenschelde, 35.7 km)

P 05-02 Melle (Boven - Zeeschelde, 9.9 km)

P 05-03 Meerhout (Albertkanaal, 80.7 km)

P 05-04 Ham (Albertkanaal, 73.7 km)

P 05-05 Hasselt (Albertkanaal, 51.5 km)

P 05-06 Genk (Albertkanaal, 42.9 km)

P 05-04-01 Aalst (Dender, 53.7 km)

P 06-01 Antwerpen (Schelde, 102.9 km)

P 06-02 Bergen op Zoom (Schelde - Rijn Verbinding, 1031.8 km)

P 10-01 Rotterdam (Nieuwe Maas, 1002.5 km)

P 10-02 Albasserdam (Noord, 981.1 km)

P 10-03 Tiel (Waal, 914.6 km)

P 10-04 Emmerich (Rhine, 852.0 km)

P 10-05 Wesel (Rhine, 814.0 km)

P 10-06 Rheinberg - Ossenberg* (Rhine, 806.0 km)

P 10-07 Orsoy (Rhine, 794.0 km)

P 10-08 Walsum - Nordhafen* (Rhine, 793.0 km)

P 10-09 Walsum - Sud* (Rhine, 791.0 km)

P 10-10 Schwelgern* (Rhine, 790.0 km)

P 10-11 Homberg, Sachtleben* (Rhine, 774.0 km)

P 10-12 Duisburg - Ruhrort Häfen (Rhine, 774.0 km)

P 10-13 Krefeld (Rhine, 762.0 km)

P 10-14 Düsseldorf (Rhine, 743.0 km)

P 10-15 Neuss (Rhine, 740.0 km)

P 10-16 Stürzelberg* (Rhine, 726.0 km)

P 10-17 Leverkusen* (Rhine, 699.0 km)

P 10-18 Köln (Rhine, 688.0 km)

P 10-19 Wesseling - Godorf* (Rhine, 672.0 km)

P 10-20 Bonn (Rhine, 658.0 km)

P 10-21 Andernach (Rhine, 612.0 km)

P 10-22 Neuwied (Rhine, 606.0 km)

P 10-23 Bendorf (Rhine, 599.0 km)

P 10-24 Koblenz (Rhine, 596.0 km)

P 10-25 Bingen (Rhine, 527.0 km)

P 10-26 Wiesbaden (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 10-27 Gernsheim (Rhine, 462.0 km)

P 10-28 Worms (Rhine, 444.0 km)

P 10-29 Mannheim (Rhine, 424.0 km)

P 10-30 Ludwigshafen (Rhine, 420.0 km)

P 10-31 Speyer (Rhine, 400.0 km)

P 10-32 Germersheim (Rhine, 385.0 km)

P 10-33 Wörth (Rhine, 366.0 km)

P 10-34 Karlsruhe (Rhine, 360.0 km)

P 10-35 Kehl (Rhine, 297.0 km)

P 10-36 Strasbourg (Rhine, 296.0 km)

P 10-37 Breisach (Rhine, 226.0 km)

P 10-38 Colmar - Neuf Brisach (Rhine, 225.8 km)

P 10-39 Mulhouse - Ottmarsheim (Grand Canal džAlsace, 21.0 km)

P 10-40 Fort Louis Stattmatten (Grand Canal džAlsace, 322.0 km)

P 10-41 Ile Napoléon (Rhône - Rhine Canal, 37.6 km)

P 10-42 Mulhouse (Rhône - Rhine Canal, 31.0 km)

P 10-43 Aproport (Chalon, Mâcon, Villefranche - sur - Saône) (Saône, 230.0 km, 296.0 km and 335.0 km, respectively)

P 10-44 Lyon (Saône, 375.0 km)

P 10-45 Marseille-Fos (Marseille-Rhône Canal, 0.0 km)

P 10-01-01 Rhein - Lippe - Hafen* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 1.0 km)

P 10-01-02 Marl Hüls - AG* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 38.0 km)

P 10-01-03 Auguste Victoria* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 39.0 km)

P 10-01-04 Lünen (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 11.0 km)

P 10-01-05 Berkamen* (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 22.0 km)

P 10-01-06 Hamm (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 34.0 km)

P 10-01-07 Schmehausen* (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 47.0 km)

P 10-03-01 Essen (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 16.0 km)

P 10-03-02 Coelln - Neuessen* (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 17.0 km)

P 10-03-03 Ruhr-Oel* (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 22.0 km)

P 10-03-04 Gelsenkirchen (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 24.0 km)

P 10-03-05 Wanne - Eickel (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 32.0 km)

P 10-05-01 Mülheim (Ruhr, 8.0 km)

P 10-07-01 Heilbronn (Neckar, 110.0 km)

P 10-07-02 Stuttgart (Neckar, 186.0 km)

P 10-07-03 Plochingen (Neckar, 200.0 km)

P 10-09-01 Huningue (Rhine, 168.4 km)

P 10-09-02 Rheinhäfen beider Basel (Rhine, 159.38 - 169.95 km)

P 10-04-01 Sčte (Rhône - Sčte Canal, 96.0 km)

P 10-06-01 Fos (Fos Bay, sea section)

P 11-01 IJmond (Noordzeekanaal, 4.7 km)

P 11-02 Zaanstad (Zaan, 1.4 km)

P 11-03 Amsterdam (Noordzeekanaal, 20.6 km)

P 11-04 Ultrecht (Amsterdam - Rijnkanaal, 35.0 km)

P 11-01-01 Zaandam (Zaan, 2.0 km)

P 12-01 Nijmegen (Waal, 884.6 km)

P 12-02 Arnhem (Nederrijn, 885.8 km)

P 12-03 Zwolle (Ijssel, 980.7 km)

P 12-02-01 Meppel (Meppelerdiep, 10.5 km)

P 13-01 Emsland* (Dortmund-Ems-Kanal, 151.0 km)

P 13-02 Münster (Dortmund-Ems-Kanal, 68.0 km)

P 13-03 Dortmund (Dortmund-Ems-Kanal, 1.0 km)

P 14-01 Bremerhaven (Weser, 66.0-68.0 km)

P 14-02 Nordenham (Weser, 54.0-64.0 km)

P 14-03 Brake (Weser, 41.0 km)

P 14-04 Bremen (Weser, 4.0-8.0 km)

P 15-01 Lelystad (Ijsselmeer)

P 15-02 Lemmer (Prinses Margarietkanaal, 90.5 km)

P 15-03 Groningen (Starkenborghkanaal, 7.0 km)

P 15-04 Emden (Ems, 41.0 km)

P 15-05 Leer (Ems, 14.0 km)

P 15-06 Oldenburg* (Hunte, 0.0-5.0 km)

P 15-01-01 Leenwarden (Haringsmakanaal, 23.7 km)

P 20-01 Cuxhaven (Elbe, 724.0 km)1

P 20-02 Brunsbüttel (Elbehafen, 693.0 km)1

P 20-03 Bützfleet* (Elbe, 668.0 km)1

P 20-04 Hamburg (Elbe, 618.0-639.0 km)1

P 20-05 Lauenburg (Elbe, 568.0 km)1

P 20-06 Tangermünde (Elbe, 388.0 km)1

P 20-07 Kieswerk Rogätz* (Elbe, 354.0 km)1

P 20-08 Magdeburger Häfen (Elbe, 330.0 and 333.0 km)1

P 20-09 Schönebeck (Elbe, 315.0 km)1

P 20-10 Aken (Elbe, 277.0 km)1

P 20-11 Torgau (Elbe, 154.0 km)1

P 20-12 Kieswerk Mühlberg* (Elbe, 125.0 km)1

P 20-13 Riesa (Elbe, 109.0 km)1

P 20-14 Dresden (Elbe, 57 and 61 km)1

P 20-15 Dęčín (Elbe, 98.2 and 94.2 km)1

P 20-16 Ústí nad Labem (Elbe, 75.3 and 72.5 km)1

P 20-17 Melník (Elbe, 3.0 km)1

P 20-04-01 Halle-Trotha (Saale, 86.0 km)

P 20-06-01 Praha (Vltava, 46.5 and 55.5 km)

P 21-01 Lübeck (Trave, 2.0-8.0 km)

P 30-01 Swinoujscie (Baltic Sea-mouth of the Oder)

P 30-02 Szczecin (Oder, 741.0 km)

P 30-03 Kostrzyn (Oder, 617.0 km)

P 30-04 Wroclaw (Oder, 255.0 km)

P 30-05 Kozle (Oder, 96.0 km)

P 30-01-01 Gliwice (Gliwicki Canal, 41.0 km)

P 40-01 Gdansk (Baltic Sea-mouth of the Wisla)

P 40-02 Bydgoszcz (Wisla, 772.3 km and Brda, 2.0 km)

P 40-03 Warszawa (Wisla, 520.0 km and Zeran Canal, 2.0 km)

P 40-04 Chernihiv (Dnipro, 1070.0 km)

P 40-05 Kyiv (Dnipro, 856.0 km)

P 40-06 Cherkassy (Dnipro, 653.0 km)

P 40-07 Kremenchuk (Dnipro, 541.0 km)

P 40-08 Dniprodzerzhynsk (Dnipro, 429.0 km)

P 40-09 Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro, 393.0 km)

P 40-10 Zaporizhya (Dnipro, 308.0 km)

P 40-11 Nova Kakhovka (Dnipro, 96.0 km)

P 40-12 Kherson (Dnipro, 28.0 km)

P 40-02-01 Mykolaiv (Pivdenny Buh, 95.0 km)

P 41-01 Klaipeda river port (Kurshskiy Zaliv)

P 41-02 Neringa (Kurshskiy Zaliv)

P 41-03 Jurbarkas (Nemunas, 126.0 km)

P 41-04 Kaunas (Nemunas, 219.0 km)

P 50-01 Sankt-Peterburg sea port (Neva, 1397.0 km)2

P 50-02 Sankt-Peterburg river port (Neva, 1385.0 km)2

P 50-03 Podporozhie (Volgo-Baltijskiy Waterway, 1045.0 km)2

P 50-04 Cherepovets (Volgo-Baltijskiy Waterway, 540.0 km)2

P 50-05 Yaroslavl (Volga, 520.0 km)2

P 50-06 Nizhniy Novgorod (Volga, 907.0 km)2

P 50-07 Kazan (Volga, 1313.0 km)2

P 50-08 Ulianovsk (Volga, 1541.0 km)2

P 50-09 Samara (Volga, 1746.0 km)2

P 50-10 Saratov (Volga, 2175.0 km)2

P 50-11 Volgograd (Volga, 2560.0 km)2

P 50-12 Astrakhan (Volga, 3051.0 km)2

P 50-02-01 Moskva Northern Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 42.0 km)2

P 50-02-02 Moskva Western Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 32.0 km)2

P 50-02-03 Moskva Southern Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 0.0 km)2

P 50-02-02-01 Tver (Volga, 279.0 km)2

P 50-01-01 Perm (Kama, 2269.0 km)2

P 60-01 Scheveningen (North Sea)

P 60-02 Den Helder (North Sea)

P 60-03 Brunsbüttel (Kiel Canal, 2.0-5.0 km)

P 60-04 Rendsburg (Kiel Canal, 62.0 km)

P 60-05 Kiel (Kiel Canal, 96.0 km)

P 60-06 Flensburg

P 60-07 Wismar

P 60-08 Rostock

P 60-09 Stralsund

P 60-10 Greifswald

P 60-11 Sventoji (Baltic Sea)

P 60-12 Vyborg (Vyborg Bay)

P 60-13 Petrozavodsk (Lake Onega, 1009.0 km)2

P 60-14 Arkhangelsk sea port (Mouth of Severnaja Dvina)

P 60-15 Arkhangelsk river port (Mouth of Severnaja Dvina)

P 60-02-01 Sevilla (Guadalquivir, 80.0 km)

P 60-04-01 Douro (Douro, 5.0 km)

P 60-04-02 Sardoura (Douro, 49.0 km)

P 60-04-03 Régua-Lamego (Douro, 101.0 km)

P 60-06-01 Bordeaux (Gironde and Garonne, 359.0 km)

P 60-08-01 Nantes (Loire, 645.0 km)

P 60-10-01 Harlingen (Waddenzee)

P 60-12-01 Delfzijl (Waddenzee)

P 60-11-01 Mustola (39.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02 Kaukas* (52.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-03 Rapasaari* (52.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-04 Joutseno* (67.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-05 Vuoksi* (85.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-06 Varkaus (Port of Taipale, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-07 Varkaus (Port of Kosulanniemi*, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-08 Varkaus (Port of Akonniemi, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-09 Kuopio (352.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02-01 Puhos* (311.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02-02 Joensuu (346.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 61-01 Anklam (Peene, 95.0 km)

P 70-01 Wageningen (Neder-Rijn, 903.2 km)

P 70-02 Enschede (Twentekanaal, 49.8 km)

P 70-03 Ibbenbüren (Mittellandkanal, 5.0 km)

P 70-04 Minden (Mittellandkanal, 100.0-104.0 km)

P 70-05 Hannover (Mittellandkanal, 155.0-159.0 km)

P 70-06 Mehrum* (Mittellandkanal, 194.0 km)

P 70-07 Braunschweig (Mittellandkanal, 220.0 km)

P 70-08 Braunschweig/Thune* (Mittellandkanal, 223.0 km)

P 70-09 Haldensleben (Mittellandkanal, 301.0 km)

P 70-10 Niegripp* (Elbe - Havel - Kanal, 330.0 km)

P 70-11 Brandenburg* (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 60.0 km)

P 70-12 Brandenburg (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 57.0 km)

P 70-13 Deponie Deetz* (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 40.0 km)

P 70-14 Spandau South Harbour (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 2.0 km)

P 70-15 Elblag (Zalew Wislany)

P 70-16 Kaliningrad sea port (Pregolia, 8.0 km)

P 70-17 Kaliningrad river port (Pregolia, 9.0 km)

P 70-01-01 Gouda (Hollandsche IJssel, 1.4 km)

P 70-03-01 Hengelo (Twentekanaal, 45.1 km)

P 70-03-02 Almelo (Zijkanaal, 17.6 km)

P 70-02-01 Osnabrück (Stichkanal, 13.0 km)

P 70-04-01 Hannover - Linden (Stichkanala, 11.0 km)

P 70-06-01 Hildesheim (Stichkanal, 15.0 km)

P 70-08-01 Salzgitter (Stichkanal, 15.0 km)

P 70-10-01 Cargo Handling Complex* (branch of the Spree at 0.0 km)

P 70-10-02 Nonnendamm (Spree, 2.0 km)

P 70-10-03 Reuter Power Station* (Spree, 3.0 km)

P 70-10-04 Charlottenburg Power Station* (Spree, 8.0 km)

P 70-10-05 Westhafen Berlin (Westhafenkanal, 3.0 km)

P 70-10-06 Osthafen Berlin (Spree, 21.0 km)

P 70-10-07 Klingenberg Heating Statiton (Spree, 25.0 km)

P 70-12-01 Moabit Power Station* (Berlin - Spandauer Schiffahrtskanal, 9.0 km)

P 71-01 Teltowkanal Cargo - Handling Point* (Teltowkanal, 31.0-34.0 km)

P 71-02 Oberschöneweide Cargo-Handling Point (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 28.0-29.0 km)

P 71-03 Eisenhüttenstadt EKO* (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 122.0 km)

P 71-04 Eisenhüttenstadt (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 124.0 km)

P 71-02-01 Potsdam (Potsdamer Havel, 3.0 km)

P 71-06-01 Niederlehme* (Dahme - Wasserstrasse, 8.0 km)

P 71-06-02 Königs Wusterhausen (Dahme - Wasserstrasse, 8.0 km)

P 80-01 Le Havre (Le Havre - Tancarville Canal, 20.0 km)

P 80-02 Rouen (Seine, 242.0 km)

P 80-03 Conflans (Seine, 239.0 km)

P 80-04 Frouard (Moselle, 346.5 km)

P 80-05 Metz (Moselle, 297.0 - 294.0 km)

P 80-06 Mondelange-Richemont (Moselle, 279.5-277.9 km)

P 80-07 Thionville-Illange (Moselle, 271.9-270.1 km)

P 80-08 Mertert (Moselle, 208.0 km)

P 80-09 Trier (Moselle, 184.0 km)

P 80-10 Bingen (Rhine, 427.0 km)

P 80-11 Wiesbaden (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 80-12 Mainz (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 80-13 Flörsheim* (Main, 9.0 km)

P 80-14 Raunheim* (Main, 14.0 km)

P 80-15 Hattersheim* (Main, 17.0 km)

P 80-16 Kelsterbach* (Main, 19.0 km)

P 80-17 Frankfurt* (Main, 22.0 - 29.0 km)

P 80-18 Frankfurt (Main, 31.0-37.0 km)

P 80-19 Offenbach (Main, 40.0 km)

P 80-20 Hanau (Main, 56.0 - 60.0 km)

P 80-21 Grosskrotzenburg* (Main, 62.0 km)

P 80-22 Stockstadt (Main, 82.0 km)

P 80-23 Aschaffenburg (Main, 83.0 km)

P 80-24 Triefenstein* (Main, 173,0 km)

P 80-25 Karlstadt* (Main, 227.0 km)

P 80-26 Würzburg (Main, 246.0 - 251.0 km)

P 80-27 Schweinfurt (Main, 330.0 km)

P 80-28 Bamberg (Main - Donau - Kanal, 3.0 km)

P 80-29 Erlangen (Main - Donau - Kanal, 46.0 km)

P 80-30 Nürnberg (Main - Donau - Kanal, 72.0 km)

P 80-31 Regensburg (Danube, 2370.0 - 2378.0 km)

P 80-32 Deggendorf* (Danube, 2281.0 - 2284.0 km)

P 80-33 Linz (Danube, 2128.2 - 2130.6 km)

P 80-34 Linz - Vöest* (Danube, 2127.2 km)

P 80-35 Enns - Ennsdorf (Danube, 2111.8 km)

P 80-36 Krems (Danube, 2001.5 km)

P 80-37 Wien (Danube, 1916.8 - 1920.2 km)

P 80-38 Bratislava (Danube, 1867.0 km)

P 80-39 Györ - Gönyu (Danube, 1807.0 km)

P 80-40 Komarno (Danube, 1767.1 km)

P 80-41 Šturovo (Danube, 1722.0 km)

P 80-42 Budapest (Danube, 1640.0 km)

P 80-43 Sz- zhalombatta (Danube, 1618.7 km)

P 80-44 Dunaujvaros (Danube, 1579.0 km)

P 80-45 Dunaföldv- r (Danube, 1563.0 km)

P 80-46 Baja (Danube, 1480.0 km)

P 80-47 Vukovar (Danube, 1333.1 km)

P 80-48 Beograd (Danube, 1170.0 km)

P 80-49 Smederevo (Danube, 1116.3 km)

P 80-50 Orsova (Danube, 954.0 km)

P 80-51 Turnu Severin (Danube, 931.0 km)

P 80-52 Prahovo (Danube, 861.0 km)

P 80-53 Lom (Danube, 743.0 km)

P 80-54 Turnu Magurele (Danube, 597.0 km)

P 80-55 Svistov (Danube, 554.0 km)

P 80-56 Rousse (Danube, 495.0 km)

P 80-57 Giurgiu (Danube, 493.0 km)

P 80-58 Oltenitza (Danube, 430.0 km)

P 80-59 Calarasi (Danube, 370.5 km)

P 80-60 Braila (Danube, 172.0 - 168.5 km)

P 80-61 Galati (Danube, 157.0 - 145.4 km)

P 80-62 Giurgiulesti (Danube, 133.0 km)3

P 80-63 Reni (Danube, 128.0 km)

P 80-64 Tulcea (Danube, 73.5 - 70.0 km)

P 80-04-01 Port Autonome de Paris:

Gennevilliers (Seine, 194.7 km);

Bonneuil-Vigneux (Seine, 169.7 km);

Evry (Seine, 137.8 km);

Melun (Seine, 110.0 km);

Limay-Porcheville (Seine, 109.0 km);

Montereau (Seine, 67.4 km);

Nanterre (Seine, 39.4 km);

Bruyčres - sur - Oise (Oise, 96.9 km);

St. Ouen - lžAumône (Oise, 119.2 km);

Lagny (Marne, 149.8 km).

P 80-06-01 Dillingen (Saar, 59.0 km)

P 80-08-01 Osijek (Drava, 14.0 km)

P 80-01-01 Szeged (Tisza, 170.0 km)

P 80-14-01 Cernavoda (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 0.0 km)

P 80-14-02 Medgidia (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 27.5 km)

P 80-14-03 Constanta (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 64.0 km)

P 80-09-01 Ismail (Danube - Kilia arm, 93.0 km)

P 80-09-02 Kilia (Danube - Kilia arm, 47.0 km)

P 80-09-03 Oust-Dunaisk (Danube - Kilia arm, 1.0 km)

P 90-01 Taganrog (Taganrog Bay)

P 90-02 Eysk (Taganrog Bay)

P 90-03 Azov (Don, 3168.0 km)2

P 90-04 Rostov (Don, 3134.0 km)2

P 90-05 Oust - Donetsk (Don, 2997.0 km)2

P 90-03-01 Belgorod Dnestrovskiy (mouth of the Dnestr River)

P 90-03-02 Bender (Nistru, 228.0 km)

P 91-01 Milano Terminale (Milano - Po Canal, 0.0 km)4

P 91-02 Lodi (Milano - Po Canal, 20.0 km from Milano Terminale)4

P 91-03 Pizzighettone (Milano - Po Canal, 40.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-04 Cremona (Po, 55.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-05 Emilia Centrale Po, 145.0 km from Milano Terminale)4

P 91-06 Ferrara (Po, 200.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-07 Adria (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 265.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-08 Chioggia (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 285.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-09 Marghera (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 300.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-10 Nogaro (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 355.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-11 Monfalcone (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 410.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-12 Trieste (Adriatic Sea)

P 91-02-01 Piacenza (Po, 35.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-02-02 Pavia (Ticino, 98.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-02-03 Casale Monferrato (Po, 183.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-04-01 Garibaldi (Ferrara Waterway, 80.0 km from Ferrara)

P 91-06-01 Porto Tolle (Po Grande, 260.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-01-01 Mantova (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 0.0 km)

P 91-01-02 Ostiglia (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 30.0 km)4

P 91-01-03 Legnago (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 65.0 km)4

P 91-01-04 Rovigo (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 140.0 km)4

P 91-01-05 Conca di Volta Grimana (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 170.0 km)



(a) Technical characteristics of E waterways

The main technical characteristics of E waterways shall generally be in conformity with the classification of European inland waterways set out in table 1.

For the evaluation of different E waterways, the characteristics of classes IV-VII are to be used, taking account of the following principles:

(i) The class of a waterway shall be determined by the horizontal dimensions of motor vessels, barges and pushed convoys, and primarily by the main standardized dimension, namely their beam or width;

(ii) Only waterways meeting at least the basic requirements of class IV (minimum dimensions of vessels 85 m x 9.5 m) can be considered as E waterways. Restrictions of draught (less than 2.50 m) and of minimum height under bridges (less than 5.25 m) can be accepted only for existing waterways and as an exception;

(iii) When modernizing waterways of clas IV (as well as smaller regional waterways), it is recommended that the parameters of at least class Va should be met;

(iv) New E waterways should, however, meet the requirements of class Vb as a minimum. In this regard, a minimum draught of 2.80 m should be ensured;

(v) When modernizing existing waterways and/or building new ones, vessels and convoys of greater dimensions should always be taken into account;

(vi) In order to ensure more efficient container transport, the highest possible bridge clearance value should be ensured in accordance with footnote 4 of table 1;5

(vii) Inland waterways expected to carry a significant volume of container and ro-ro traffic should meet, as a minimum, the requirements of class Vb. An increase of 7% to 10% in the beam value of 11.4 m of specific vessels navigating on inland waterways of class Va and higher classes may also be envisaged in order to allow for future developments in container dimensions and easy transport of trailers;

(viii) On waterways with fluctuating water levels, the value of the recommended draught should correspond to the draught reached or exceeded for 240 days on average per year (or for 60% of the navigation period). The value of the recommended height under bridges (5.25, 7.00 or 9.10 m) should be ensured over the highest navigation level, where possible and economically reasonable;

(ix) A uniform class, draught and height under bridges should be ensured either for the whole waterway or at least for substantial sections thereof;

(x) Where possible, the parameters of adjacent inland waterways should be the same or similar;

(xi) The highest draught (4.50 m) and minimum bridge clearance (9.10 m) values should be ensured on all parts of the network that are directly connected with coastal routes;

(xii) A minimum bridge clearance of 7.00 m should be ensured on waterways that connect important sea ports with the hinterland and are suitable for efficient container and river-sea traffic;

(xiii) Coastal routes listed in annex I above are intended to ensure the integrity of the E waterwaysž network throughout Europe and are meant to be used, within the meaning of this Agreement, by river-sea vessels whose dimensions should, where possible and economically viable, meet the requirements for self-propelled units suitable for navigating on inland waterways of classes Va and VIb.

The following minimum requirements are considered necessary in order to make a waterway suitable for container transport:

inland navigation vessels with a width of 11.4 m and a length of approximalety 110 m must be able to operate with three or more layers of containers; otherwise a permissible length of pushed convoys of 185 m should be ensured, in which case they could operate with two layers of containers.

5 If, however, the proportion of empty containers exceeds 50%, observance of a value for the minimum height under bridges which is higher than that indicated in footnote 4 should be considered.

(b) Operational criteria for E waterways

E waterways should meet the following essential operational criteria in order to be able to ensure reliable international traffic:

(i) Through traffic should be ensured throughout the navigation period, with the exception of the breaks mentioned below;

(ii) The navigation period may be shorter than 365 days only in regions with severe climatic conditions, where the maintaining of channels free of ice in the winter season is not possible and a winter break is therefore necessary. In these cases, dates should be fixed for the opening and closure of navigation. The duration of breaks in the navigation period caused by natural phenomena such as ice, floods, etc. should be kept to a minimum by appropriate technical and organizational measures;

(iii) The duration of breaks in the navigation period for regular maintenance of locks and other hydraulic works should be kept to a minimum. Users of a waterway where maintenance work is planned should be kept informed of the dates and duration of the envisaged break in navigation. In cases of unforeseen failure of locks or other hydraulic facilities, or other force majeure, the duration of breaks should be kept as limited as possible using all appropriate measures to remedy the situation;

(iv) No breaks shall be admissible during low water periods. A reasonable limitation of admissible draught may nevertheless be allowed on waterways with fluctuating water levels. However, a minimum draught of 1.20 m should be ensured at all times, with the recommended or characteristic draught being ensured or exceeded for 240 days per year. In regions referred to in subparagraph (ii) above, the minimum draught of 1.20 m should be ensured for 60% of the navigation period on average;

(v) Operating hours of locks, movable bridges and other infrastructure works shall be such that round-the-clock (24-hour) navigation can be ensured on working days, if economically feasible. In specific cases, exceptions may be allowed due to organizational and/or technical reasons.

Reasonable hours of navigation should also be ensured during public holidays and at weekends.

(c) Technical and operational characteristics of
E ports

The network of E waterways shall be complemented by a system of inland navigation ports of international importance. Each E port should meet the following technical and operational criteria:

(i) It should be situated on an E waterway;

(ii) It should be capable of accommodating vessels or pushed convoys used on the relevant E waterway in conformity with its class;

(iii) It should be connected with main roads and railway lines (preferably belonging to the network of international roads and railway lines established by the European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR), te European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC) and the European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC));

(iv) Its aggregate cargo handling capacity should be at least 0.5 million tonnes a year;

(v) It should offer suitable conditions for the development of a port industrial zone;

(vi) It should provide for the handling of standardized containers (with the exception of ports specialized in bulk cargo handling);

(vii) All the facilities necessary for usual operations in international traffic should be available;

(viii) With a view to ensuring the protection of the environment, reception facilities for the disposal of waste generated on board ships should be available in ports of international importance.



SVJESNE potrebe za olakšavanjem i razvitkom međunarodnog prometa unutarnjim plovnim putovima u Europi,

SVJESNE očekivanog porasta međunarodnog prijevoza roba kao posljedice rastuće međunarodne razmjene,

NAGLAŠAVAJUĆI važnost unutarnje plovidbe, koja u usporedbi s ostalim vidovima unutarnjeg prometa ima gospodarstvene i ekološke prednosti i nudi dodatne infrastrukturne i brodske kapacitete, te je stoga u mogućnosti smanjiti socijalne troškove i negativne utjecaje na okoliš unutarnjeg prometa kao cjeline,

U UVJERENJU da je, da bi se unutarnji plovni putovi u Europi učinili djelotvornijima i na naručitelje atraktivnijima, neophodno utvrditi zakonski okvir kojim bi se uspostavio koordinirani plan razvoja i izgradnje mreže unutarnjih plovnih putova od međunarodnog značaja, a na osnovi usklađenih infrastrukturnih i operativnih mjeritelja,


Članak 1.


Ugovorne stranke usvajaju odredbe ovog ugovora kao koordinirani plan razvoja i izgradnje mreža unutarnjih plovnih putova, u daljnjem tekstu »mreže unutarnjih plovnih putova od međunarodnog značaja« ili »E mreža plovnih putova«, a koju namjeravaju provesti u okviru svojih relevantnih programa. »E« mreža plovnih putova sastoji se od plovnih putova i luka od međunarodnog značaja kako je opisano u aneksima I i II ovog Ugovora.

Članak 2.


Mreža unutarnjih plovnih putova od međunarodnog značaja iz članka 1. odgovarat će značajkama iznesenim u aneksu III ovog Ugovora ili će se s odredbama ovog aneksa uskladiti u budućem radu na poboljšanju.

Članak 3.


Aneksi ovog Ugovora sastavni su dio Ugovora.

Članak 4.


Glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda bit će depozitar ovog Ugovora.

Članak 5.


1. Ovaj Ugovor bit će otvoren za potpisivanje u uredu Ujedinjenih naroda u Ženevi za države koje su članice Gospodarstvene komisije za Europu Ujedinjenih naroda ili su primljene u Komisiju u savjetodavnom svojstvu sukladno stavcima 8. i 11. Programa rada Komisije od 1. listopada 1996. godine do 30. rujna 1997. godine.

2. Takvo potpisivanje bit će podložno ratifikaciji, prihvatu ili odobrenju.

Članak 6.


1. Ovaj Ugovor bit će podložan ratifikaciji, prihvatu ili odobrenju sukladno stavku 2. članka 5.

2. Ratifikacija, prihvat ili odobrenje izvršit će se polaganjem isprave o ratifikaciji kod Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda.

Članak 7.


1. Ovaj Ugovor bit će otvoren za pristup svim državama iz stavka 1. članka 5. od 1. listopada 1996. godine nadalje.

2. Pristup će se vršiti polaganjem isprave o ratifikaciji kod Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda.

Članak 8.


1. Ovaj Ugovor stupit će na snagu 90 dana nakon datuma kada vlade pet država polože ispravu o ratifikaciji, prihvatu, odobrenju ili pristupu, uz uvjet da jedan ili više unutarnjih plovnih putova mreže unutarnjih plovnih putova od međunarodnog značaja, povezuju neprekidno teritorije barem triju država koje su položile takvu ispravu.

2. Ako ovaj uvjet nije ispunjen, Ugovor će stupiti na snagu 90 dana nakon datuma polaganja isprave o ratifikaciji, prihvatu, odobrenju ili pristupu kojim će spomenuti uvjet biti zadovoljen.

3. Za svaku državu koja položi ispravu o ratifikaciji, prihvatu, odobrenju ili pristupu nakon početka razdoblja od 90 dana navedenog u stavcima 1. i 2. ovog članka, Ugovor će stupiti na snagu 90 dana nakon datuma polaganja rečene isprave.

Članak 9.


1. Ništa se u ovom Ugovoru neće tumačiti na takav način da priječi neku ugovornu stranku u poduzimanju aktivnosti sukladnih s odredbama Povelje Ujedinjenih naroda i ograničenih na nužnosti situacije koje smatra potrebnima za svoju vanjsku ili unutarnju sigurnost.

2. O takvim mjerama, koje moraju biti privremene treba odmah izvijestiti depozitara i obrazložiti njihovu narav.

Članak 10.


1. Svi sporovi između dviju ili više ugovornih stranaka koji se odnose na tumačenje ili provedbu ovog Ugovora, a koje stranke u sporu ne mogu riješiti pregovorima ili drugim sredstvima podnijet će se na arbitražu ako bilo koja od ugovornih stranaka to zatraži, te će se u tom cilju podastrijeti jednom ili više arbitara izabranih uzajamnim dogovorom između stranaka u sporu. Ukoliko se stranke u sporu ne dogovore o arbitru ili arbitrima u roku od tri mjeseca nakon zahtjeva za arbitražu, bilo koja od tih stranaka može zatražiti od Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda da odredi jednog arbitra od kojeg će se zatražiti odluka o sporu.

2. Presuda arbitra ili arbitara određenih u skladu sa stavkom 1. ovog članka bit će obvezujuća za ugovorne stranke u sporu.

Članak 11.


Svaka država može, u vrijeme potpisivanja ovog Ugovora ili polaganja isprave o rafitikaciji, prihvatu, odobrenju ili pristupu, izjaviti da se ne smatra obaveznom člankom 10.

Članak 12.


1. Ovaj Ugovor može se izmijeniti u skladu s postupkom opisanim u ovom članku, osim u slučajevima opisanim u člancima 13. i 14.

2. Na zahtjev jedne ugovorne stranke, svaku izmjenu ovog Ugovora koju ona predloži razmotrit će Glavna radna skupina o prometu unutarnjim plovnim putovima Gospodarstvene komisije za Europu Ujedinjenih naroda.

3. Ako predloženu izmjenu usvoji dvotrećinska većina ugovornih stranaka nazočnih pri glasovanju, Glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda proslijedit će je na prihvaćanje svim ugovornim strankama.

4. Sve predložene izmjene proslijeđene u skladu sa stavkom 3. ovog članka stupit će na snagu u odnosu na sve ugovorne stranke tri mjeseca nakon isteka razdoblja od 12 mjeseci nakon datuma njenog prosljeđivanja, uz uvjet da tijekom tog razdoblja od 12 mjeseci nijedna država koja je ugovorna stranka ovog Ugovora ne uputi prigovor na predloženu izmjenu Glavnom tajniku Ujedinjenih naroda.

5. Ako se na predloženu izmjenu uputi prigovor u skladu sa stavkom 4. ovog članka, smatrat će se da ta izmjena nije prihvaćena, te ona neće imati nikakvog djelovanja.

Članak 13.


1. Aneksi I i II ovog Ugovora mogu se izmijeniti sukladno postupku opisanom u ovom članku.

2. Na zahtjev ugovorne stranke, svaku izmjenu aneksa I i II ovog Ugovora koju ona predloži razmotrit će Glavna radna skupina o prometu unutarnjim plovnim putovima Gospodarstvene komisije za Europu Ujedinjenih naroda.

3. Ako predloženu izmjenu usvoji većina ugovornih stranaka nazočnih pri glasovanju, Glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda proslijedit će je svim ugovornim strankama izravno zainteresiranim za njeno prihvaćanje. U smislu ovog članka, ugovorna stranka smatrat će se izravno zainteresiranom ako se radi o uključivanju novog unutarnjeg plovnog puta ili luke od međunarodnog značaja ili o njihovoj izmjeni, a dotični plovni put prolazi njenim teritorijem ili se dotična luka nalazi na njenom teritoriju.

4. Sve predložene izmjene proslijeđene sukladno stavcima 2. i 3. ovog članka smatrat će se prihvaćenima ako u roku od 6 mjeseci nakon datuma njihovog prosljeđivanja od strane depozitara nijedna od izravno zainteresiranih ugovornih stranaka ne izvijesti Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda o svom protivljenju predloženoj izmjeni.

5. Svaku na taj način prihvaćenu izmjenu Glavni će tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda proslijediti svim ugovornim strankama, te će ona stupiti na snagu 3 mjeseca nakon što je depozitar proslijedi.

6. Ako se o protivljenju o izmjeni, izvijesti u skladu sa stavkom 4. ovog članka, smatrat će se da ona nije prihvaćena, te ona neće imati nikakvog djelovanja.

7. Depozitara će Tajništvo Gospodarstvene komisije za Europu ažurno izvješćivati o ugovornim strankama koje su izravno zainteresirane za predloženu izmjenu.

Članak 14.


1. Aneks III ovog Ugovora može se izmijeniti sukladno postupku opisanom u ovom članku.

2. Na zahtjev ugovorne stranke, svaku izmjenu aneksa III ovog Ugovora koju ona predloži razmotrit će Glavna radna skupina o prometu unutarnjim plovnim putovima Gospodarstvene komisije za Europu Ujedinjenih naroda.

3. Ako predložene izmjene usvoji većina ugovornih stranaka nazočnih pri glasovanju. Glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda proslijedit će ih svim ugovornim strankama na prihvaćanje.

4. Sve predložene izmjene proslijeđene sukladno stavku 3. ovog članka smatrat će se prihvaćenima osim ako u roku od 6 mjeseci nakon datuma njihovog prosljeđivanja jedna petina ili više ugovornih stranaka ne izvijesti Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda o svom protivljenju predloženoj izmjeni.

5. Sve izmjene prihvaćene sukladno stavku 4. ovog članka Glavni će tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda proslijediti svim ugovornim strankama, te će one stupiti na snagu 3 mjeseca nakon datuma svog prosljeđivanja i to za sve ugovorne stranke osim onih koje su već izvijestile Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda o svom protivljenju predloženim izmjenama u roku od 6 mjeseci nakon datuma njihovog prosljeđivanja sukladno stavku 4. ovog članka.

6. Ako jedna petina ili više ugovornih stranaka izvijesti o svom protivljenju predloženim izmjenama u skladu sa stavkom 4. ovog članka, smatrat će se, da ona nije prihvaćena te neće imati nikakvog djelovanja.

Članak 15.


1. Svaka ugovorna stranka može otkazati ovaj Ugovor pismenom objavom naslovljenom na Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda.

2. Otkaz stupa na snagu godinu dana nakon datuma kada Glavni tajnik primi rečenu objavu.

Članak 16.


Ukoliko se nakon stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora broj ugovornih stranaka za bilo koje razdoblje od 12 uzastopnih mjeseci smanji na manje od pet, Ugovor će prestati 12 mjeseci nakon datuma kojeg je peta država prestala biti ugovornom strankom.

Članak 17.


Pored ostalih objava i priopćenja koji se spominju u ovom Ugovoru, uloga Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda bit će kako je utvrđeno u VII dijelu Bečke konvencije o pravu međunarodnih ugovora, zaključenoj 23. svibnja 1969. godine.

Članak 18.


Izvornih ovog Ugovora, od kojega su engleski, francuski i ruski test vjerodostojni, pohranit će se kod Glavnog tajnika Ujedinjenih naroda.

U ZNAK PRISTANKA, dolje potpisane, za to propisno ovlaštene osobe, potpisale su Ugovor.

Sačinjeno u Ženevi, devetnaestog siječnja 1996. godine.



Numeriranje unutarnjih plovnih putova od međunarodnog značaja

1. Svi unutarnji plovni putovi od međunarodnog značaja (E plovni putovi) imat će dvo-, četvero- ili šesteroznamenkaste brojeve ispred kojih stoji slovo »E«.

2. Glavni i osnovni dijelovi E mreže plovnih putova imat će dvoznamenkaste brojeve, a njihovi ogranci i sekundarni ogranci (»ogranci ogranaka«) imat će četvero- odnosno šesteroznamenkaste brojeve.

3. Najvažniji unutarnji plovni putovi koji se uglavnom kreću pravcem sjever-jug i osiguravaju pristup pomorskim lukama, te spajaju jedan pomorski bazen s drugim numerirat će se brojevima 10, 20, 30, 40 i 50 uzlaznim redoslijedom od zapada prema istoku.

4. Najvažniji unutarnji plovni putovi koji se uglavnom kreću pravcem zapad-istok, presijecajući tri ili više unutarnjih plovnih putova spomenutih pod 3. numerirat će se brojevima 60, 70, 80 i 90 uzlaznim redoslijedom od zapada prema istoku.

5. Ostali glavni unutarnji plovni putovi identificirat će se dvoznamenkastim brojevima između brojeva dvaju najvažnijih plovnih putova, kako je navedeno pod 3. i 4., između kojih se nalaze.

6. Ako se radi o ograncima ili ograncima ogranaka, prve dvije (ili četiri) znamenke označavat će viši relevantni element mreže plovnih putova, a posljednje dvije označavat će pojedine ogranke numerirane po redu od početka do kraja višeg elementa kako je opisano u donjoj tabeli. Parni brojevi koristit će se za ogranke s lijeve strane, a neparni za ogranke s desne strane.



Numeriranje luka od međunarodnog značaja u unutarnjoj plovidbi

Sve luke od međunarodnog značaja u unutarnjoj plovidbi (E luke) nosit će brojeve koji se sastoje od broja plovnog puta kojem pripadaju iza kojeg slijedi povlakom odvojen dvoznamenkasti broj koji odgovara luci na pojedinom plovnom putu redoslijedom od zapada prema istoku i od sjevera prema jugu, a ispred čega se nalazi slovo »P«. Privatne luke u vlasništvu pojedinih poduzeća bit će označene zvjezdicom (*).

Popis luka od međunarodnog značaja u unutarnjoj plovidbi

P 01-01 Dunkerque (Dunkerque - Valenciennes Canal, 20.5 km)

P 01-02 Charleroi (Sambre, 38.8 km)

P 01-03 Namur (Meuse, 46.3 km)

P 01-04 Ličge (Meuse, 113.7 km)

P 01-05 Maastricht (Maas, 4.5 km)

P 01-06 Stein (Maas, 21.9 km)

P 01-07 Born (Maas, 29.7 km)

P 01-08 Maasbracht (Maas, 41.8 km)

P 01-09 Roermond (Maas, 74.3 km)

P 01-10 Oss (Maas, 159.1 km)

P 01-11 Dordrecht (Mervede, 974.4 km)

P 01-12 Zwijndrecht (Oude Maas, 980.6 km)

P 01-13 Vlaardingen (Nieuwe Waterweg, 1010.5 km)

P 01-14 Maassluis (Nieuwe Waterweg, 1018.7 km)

P 01-01-01 Overpelt (Kanaal Bocholt - Herentals, 14.8 km)

P 01-03-01 žs - Hertogenbosch (Zuid - Willemsvaart, 4.0 km)

P 02-01 Zeebrugge (North Sea)

P 02-02 Aalter (Kanal Oostende - Brugge - Gent, 22.5 km)

P 02-03 Lille (Deűle, 42.0 km)

P 02-02-01 Oostende (North Sea)

P 02-04-01 Roeselare (Leie - Roeselare Canal, 0.5 km)

P 02-04-02 Izegem (Leie - Roeselare Canal, 6.4 km)

P 03-01 Moerdijk (Hollands Diep)

P 03-02 Terneuzen (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 32.5 km)

P 03-03 Zelzate (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 19.6 km)

P 03-04 Gent (Terneuzen - Gent Canal, 4.6 km)

P 04-01 Vlissingen (Westerschelde)

P 04-02 Beveren (Beneden Zeeschelde, 22.9 km)

P 04-03 Ruisbroek (Kanal Charleroi - Bruxelles, 58.8 km)

P 04-04 Grimbergen (Kanal Bruxelles - Rupel, 12.2 km)

P 04-05 Bruxelles (Kanal Bruxelles - Rupel, 62.0 km)

P 05-01 Avelgem (Bovenschelde, 35.7 km)

P 05-02 Melle (Boven - Zeeschelde, 9.9 km)

P 05-03 Meerhout (Albertkanaal, 80.7 km)

P 05-04 Ham (Albertkanaal, 73.7 km)

P 05-05 Hasselt (Albertkanaal, 51.5 km)

P 05-06 Genk (Albertkanaal, 42.9 km)

P 05-04-01 Aalst (Dender, 53.7 km)

P 06-01 Antwerpen (Schelde, 102.9 km)

P 06-02 Bergen op Zoom (Schelde - Rijn Verbinding, 1031.8 km)

P 10-01 Rotterdam (Nieuwe Maas, 1002.5 km)

P 10-02 Albasserdam (Noord, 981.1 km)

P 10-03 Tiel (Waal, 914.6 km)

P 10-04 Emmerich (Rhine, 852.0 km)

P 10-05 Wesel (Rhine, 814.0 km)

P 10-06 Rheinberg - Ossenberg* (Rhine, 806.0 km)

P 10-07 Orsoy (Rhine, 794.0 km)

P 10-08 Walsum - Nordhafen* (Rhine, 793.0 km)

P 10-09 Walsum - Sud* (Rhine, 791.0 km)

P 10-10 Schwelgern* (Rhine, 790.0 km)

P 10-11 Homberg, Sachtleben* (Rhine, 774.0 km)

P 10-12 Duisburg - Ruhrort Häfen (Rhine, 774.0 km)

P 10-13 Krefeld (Rhine, 762.0 km)

P 10-14 Düsseldorf (Rhine, 743.0 km)

P 10-15 Neuss (Rhine, 740.0 km)

P 10-16 Stürzelberg* (Rhine, 726.0 km)

P 10-17 Leverkusen* (Rhine, 699.0 km)

P 10-18 Köln (Rhine, 688.0 km)

P 10-19 Wesseling - Godorf* (Rhine, 672.0 km)

P 10-20 Bonn (Rhine, 658.0 km)

P 10-21 Andernach (Rhine, 612.0 km)

P 10-22 Neuwied (Rhine, 606.0 km)

P 10-23 Bendorf (Rhine, 599.0 km)

P 10-24 Koblenz (Rhine, 596.0 km)

P 10-25 Bingen (Rhine, 527.0 km)

P 10-26 Wiesbaden (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 10-27 Gernsheim (Rhine, 462.0 km)

P 10-28 Worms (Rhine, 444.0 km)

P 10-29 Mannheim (Rhine, 424.0 km)

P 10-30 Ludwigshafen (Rhine, 420.0 km)

P 10-31 Speyer (Rhine, 400.0 km)

P 10-32 Germersheim (Rhine, 385.0 km)

P 10-33 Wörth (Rhine, 366.0 km)

P 10-34 Karlsruhe (Rhine, 360.0 km)

P 10-35 Kehl (Rhine, 297.0 km)

P 10-36 Strasbourg (Rhine, 296.0 km)

P 10-37 Breisach (Rhine, 226.0 km)

P 10-38 Colmar - Neuf Brisach (Rhine, 225.8 km)

P 10-39 Mulhouse - Ottmarsheim (Grand Canal džAlsace, 21,0 km)

P 10-40 Fort Louis Stattmatten (Grand Canal džAlsace, 322.0 km)

P 10-41 Ile Napoléon (Rhône - Rhine Canal, 37.6 km)

P 10-42 Mulhouse (Rhône - Rhine Canal, 31.0 km)

P 10-43 Aproport (Chalon, Mâcon, Villefranche - sur - Saône) (Saône, 230.0 km, 296.0 km and 335.0 km, respectively)

P 10-44 Lyon (Saône, 375.0 km)

P 10-45 Marseille - Fos (Marseille - Rhône Canal, 0.0 km)

P 10-01-01 Rhein - Lippe - Hafen* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 1.0 km)

P 10-01-02 Marl Hüls - AG* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 38.0 km)

P 10-01-03 Auguste Victoria* (Wesel - Datteln - Kanal, 39.0 km)

P 10-01-04 Lünen (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 11.0 km)

P 10-01-05 Berkamen* (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 22.0 km)

P 10-01-06 Hamm (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 34.0 km)

P 10-01-07 Schmehausen* (Datteln - Hamm - Kanal, 47.0 km)

P 10-03-01 Essen (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 16.0 km)

P 10-03-02 Coelln - Neuessen* (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 17.0 km)

P 10-03-03 Ruhr - Oel* (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 22.0 km)

P 10-03-04 Gelsenkirchen (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 24.0 km)

P 10-03-05 Wanne - Eickel (Rhein - Herne - Kanal, 32.0 km)

P 10-05-01 Mülheim (Ruhr, 8.0 km)

P 10-07-01 Heilbronn (Neckar, 110.0 km)

P 10-07-02 Stuttgart (Neckar, 186.0 km)

P 10-07-03 Plochingen (Neckar, 200.0 km)

P 10-09-01 Huningue (Rhine, 168.4 km)

P 10-09-02 Rheinhäfen beider Basel (Rhine, 159.38 - 169.95 km)

P 10-04-01 Sčte (Rhône - Sčte Canal, 96.0 km)

P 10-06-01 Fos (Fos Bay, sea section)

P 11-01 IJmond (Noordzeekanaal, 4.7 km)

P 11-02 Zaanstad (Zaan, 1.4 km)

P 11-03 Amsterdam (Noordzeekanaal, 20.6 km)

P 11-04 Utrecht (Amsterdam - Rijnkanaal, 35.0 km)

P 11-01-01 Zaandam (Zaan, 2.0 km)

P 12-01 Nijmegen (Waal, 884.6 km)

P 12-02 Arnhem (Nederrijn, 885.8 km)

P 12-03 Zwolle (IJssel, 980.7 km)

P 12-02-01 Meppel (Meppelerdiep, 10.5 km)

P 13-01 Emsland* (Dortmund - Ems - Kanal, 151.0 km)

P 13-02 Münster (Dortmund - Ems - Kanal, 68.0 km)

P 13-03 Dortmund (Dortmund - Ems - Kanal, 1.0 km)

P 14-01 Bremerhaven (Weser, 66.0 - 68.0 km)

P 14-02 Nordenham (Weser, 54.0 - 64.0 km)

P 14-03 Brake (Weser, 41.0 km)

P 14-04 Bremen (Weser, 4.0 - 8.0 km)

P 15-01 Lelystad (IJsselmeer)

P 15-02 Lemmer (Prinses Margarietkanaal, 90.5 km)

P 15-03 Groningen (Starkenborghkanaal, 7.0 km)

P 15-04 Emden (Ems, 41.0 km)

P 15-05 Leer (Ems, 14.0 km)

P 15-06 Oldenburg* (Hunte, 0.0 - 5.0 km)

P 15-01-01 Leenwarden (Haringsmakanaal, 23.7 km)

P 20-01 Cuxhaven (Elbe, 724.0 km)1

P 20-02 Brunsbüttel (Elbehafen, 693.0 km)1

P 20-03 Bützfleet* (Elbe, 668.0 km)1

P 20-04 Hamburg (Elbe, 618.0 - 639.0 km)1

P 20-05 Lauenburg (Elbe, 568.0 km)1

P 20-06 Tangermünde (Elbe, 388.0 km)1

P 20-07 Kiewserk Rogätz* (Elbe, 354.0 km)1

P 20-08 Magdeburger Häfen (Elbe, 330.0 and 333.0 km)1

P 20-09 Schönebeck (Elbe, 315.0 km)1

P 20-10 Aken (Elbe, 277.0 km)1

P 20-11 Torgau (Elbe, 154.0 km)1

P 20-12 Kieswerk Mühlberg* (Elbe, 125.0 km)1

P 20-13 Riesa (Elbe, 109.0 km)1

P 20-14 Dresden (Elbe, 57 and 61 km)1

P 20-15 Dečín (Elbe, 98.2 and 94.2 km)1

P 20-16 Ústí nad Labem (Elbe, 75.3 and 72.5 km)1

P 20-17 Melněk (Elbe, 3.0 km)1

P 20-04-01 Halle - Trotha (Saale, 86.0 km)

P 20-06-01 Praha (Vltava, 46.5 and 55.5 km)

P 21-01 Lübeck (Trave, 2.0 - 8.0 km)

P 30-01 Swinoujscie (Baltic Sea-mouth of the Oder)

P 30-02 Szczecin (Oder, 741.0 km)

P 30-03 Kostrzyn (Oder, 617.0 km)

P 30-04 Wroclaw (Oder, 255.0 km)

P 30-05 Kozle (Oder, 96.0 km)

P 30-01-01 Gliwice (Gliwicki Canal, 41.0 km)

P 40-01 Gdansk (Baltic Sea-mouth of the Wisla)

P 40-02 Bydgoszcz (Wisla, 772.3 km and Brda, 2.0 km)

P 40-03 Warszawa (Wisla, 520.0 km and Zeran Canal, 2.0 km)

P 40-04 Chernihiv (Dnipro, 1070.0 km)

P 40-05 Kyiv (Dnipro, 856.0 km)

P 40-06 Cherkassy (Dnipro, 653.0 km)

P 40-07 Kremenchuk (Dnipro, 541.0 km)

P 40-08 Dniprodzerzhynsk (Dnipro, 429.0 km)

P 40-09 Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro, 393.0 km)

P 40-10 Zaporizhya (Dnipro, 308.0 km)

P 40-11 Nova Kakhovka (Dnipro, 96.0 km)

P 40-12 Kherson (Dnipro, 28.0 km)

P 40-02-01 Mykolaiv (Pivdenny Buh, 95.0 km)

P 41-01 Klaipeda river port (Kurshskiy Zaliv)

P 41-02 Neringa (Kurshskiy Zaliv)

P 41-03 Jurbarkas (Nemunas, 126.0 km)

P 41-04 Kaunas (Nemunas, 219.0 km)

P 50-01 Sankt - Peterburg sea port (Neva, 1397.0 km)2

P 50-02 Sankt - Peterburg river port (Neva, 1385.0 km)2

P 50-03 Podporozhie (Volgo - Baltijskiy Waterway, 1045.0 km)2

P 50-04 Cherepovets (Volgo - Baltijskiy Waterway, 540.0 km)2

P 50-05 Yaroslavl (Volga, 520.0 km)2

P 50-06 Nizhniy Novgorod (Volga, 907.0 km)2

P 50-07 Kazan (Volga, 1313.0 km)2

P 50-08 Ulianovsk (Volga, 1541.0 km)2

P 50-09 Samara (Volga, 1746.0 km)2

P 50-10 Saratov (Volga, 2175.0 km)2

P 50-11 Volgograd (Volga, 2560.0 km)2

P 50-12 Astrakhan (Volga, 3051.0 km)2

P 50-02-01 Moskva Northern Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 42.0 km)2

P 50-02-02 Moskva Western Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 32.0 km)2

P 50-02-03 Moskva Southern Port (Kanal imeni Moskvy, 0.0 km)2

P 50-02-02-01 Tver (Volga, 279.0 km)2

P 50-01-01 Perm (Kama, 2269.0 km)2

P 60-01 Scheveningen (North Sea)

P 60-02 Den Helder (North Sea)

P 60-03 Brunsbüttel (Kiel Canal, 2.0 - 5.0 km)

P 60-04 Rendsburg (Kiel Canal, 62.0 km)

P 60-05 Kiel (Kiel Canal, 96.0 km)

P 60-06 Flensburg

P 60-07 Wismar

P 60-08 Rostock

P 60-09 Stralsund

P 60-10 Greifswald

P 60-11 Sventoji (Baltic Sea)

P 60-12 Vyborg (Vyborg Bay)

P 60-13 Petrozavodsk (Lake Onega, 1009.0 km)2

P 60-14 Arkhangelsk sea port (Mouth of Severnaja Dvina)

P 60-15 Arkhangelsk river port (Mouth of Severnaja Dvina)

P 60-02-01 Sevilla (Guadalquivir, 80.0 km)

P 60-04-01 Douro (Duoro, 5.0 km)

P 60-04-02 Sardoura (Douro, 49.0 km)

P 60-04-03 Rčgua - Lamego (Douro, 101.0 km)

P 60-06-01 Bordeaux (Gironde and Garonne, 359.0 km)

P 60-08-01 Nantes (Loire, 645.0 km)

P 60-10-01 Harlingen (Waddenzee)

P 60-12-01 Delfzijl (Waddenzee)

P 60-11-01 Mustola (39.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02 Kaukas* (52.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-03 Rapasaari* (52.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-04 Joutseno* (67.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-05 Vuoksi* (85.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-06 Varkaus (Port of Taipale, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-07 Varkaus (Port of Kosulanniemi*, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-08 Varkaus (Port of Akonniemi, 270.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-09 Kuopio (352.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02-01 Puhos* (311.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 60-11-02-02 Joensuu (346.0 km from the mouth of Saimaa Canal)

P 61-01 Anklam (Peene, 95.0 km)

P 70-01 Wageningen (Neder - Rijn, 903.2 km)

P 70-02 Enschede (Twentekanaal, 49.8 km)

P 70-03 Ibbenbüren (Mittellandkanal, 5.0 km)

P 70-04 Minden (Mittellandkanal, 100.0 - 104.0 km)

P 70-05 Hannover (Mittellandkanal, 155.0 - 159.0 km)

P 70-06 Mehrum* (Mittellandkanal, 194.0 km)

P 70-07 Braunschweig (Mittellandkanal, 220.0 km)

P 70-08 Braunschweig/Thune* (Mittellandkanal, 223.0 km)

P 70-09 Haldensleben (Mittellandkanal, 301.0 km)

P 70-10 Niegripp* (Elbe - Havel - Kanal, 330.0 km)

P 70-11 Brandenburg* (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 60.0 km)

P 70-12 Brandenburg* (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 57.0 km)

P 70-13 Deponie Deetz* (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 40.0 km)

P 70-14 Spandau South Harbour (Untere Havel - Wasserstrasse, 2.0 km)

P 70-15 Elblag (Zalew Wislany)

P 70-16 Kaliningrad sea port (Pregolia, 8.0 km)

P 70-17 Kaliningrad river port (Pregolia, 9.0 km)

P 70-01-01 Gouda (Hollandsche Ijssel, 1.4 km)

P 70-03-01 Hengelo (Twentekanaal, 45.1 km)

P 70-03-02 Almelo (Zijkanaal, 17.6 km)

P 70-02-01 Osnabrück (Stichkanal, 13.0 km)

P 70-04-01 Hannover - Linden (Stichkanal, 11.0 km)

P 70-06-01 Hildesheim (Stichkanal, 15.0 km)

P 70-08-01 Salzgitter (Stichkanal, 15.0 km)

P 70-10-01 Cargo Handling Complex* (branch of the Spree at 0.0 km)

P 70-10-02 Nonnendamm (Spree, 2.0 km)

P 70-10-03 Reuter Power Station* (Spree, 3.0 km)

P 70-10-04 Charlottenburg Power Station* (Spree, 8.0 km)

P 70-10-05 Westhafen Berlin (Westhafenkanal, 3.0 km)

P 70-10-06 Osthafen Berlin (Spree, 21.0 km)

P 70-10-07 Klingenberg Heating Station (Spree, 25.0 km)

P 70-12-01 Moabit Power Station* (Berlin - Spandauer Schiffahrtskanal, 9.0 km)

P 71-01 Teltowkanal Cargo - Handling Point* (Teltowkanal, 31.0 - 34.0 km)

P 71-02 Oberschöneweide Cargo - Handling Point (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 28.0 - 29.0 km)

P 71-03 Eisenhüttenstadt EKO* (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 122.0 km)

P 71-04 Eisenhüttenstadt (Spree - Oder - Wasserstrasse, 124.0 km)

P 71-02-01 Potsdam (Potsdamer Havel, 3.0 km)

P 71-06-01 Niederlehme* (Dahme - Wasserstrasse, 8.0 km)

P 71-06-02 Königs Wusterhausen (Dahme - Wasserstrasse, 8.0 km)

P 80-01 Le Havre (Le Havre - Tancarville Canal, 20.0 km)

P 80-02 Rouen (Seine, 242.0 km)

P 80-03 Conflans (Seine 239.0 km)

P 80-04 Frouard (Moselle, 346.5 km)

P 80-05 Metz (Moselle, 297.0 - 294.0 km)

P 80-06 Mondelange - Richemont (Moselle, 279.5-277.9 km)

P 80-07 Thionville - Illange (Moselle, 271.9 - 270.1 km)

P 80-08 Mertert (Moselle, 208.0 km)

P 80-09 Trier (Moselle, 184.0 km)

P 80-10 Bingen (Rhine, 527.0 km)

P 80-11 Wiesbaden (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 80-12 Mainz (Rhine, 500.0 km)

P 80-13 Flörsheim* (Main, 9.0 km)

P 80-14 Raunheim* (Main, 14.0 km)

P 80-15 Hattersheim* (Main, 17.0 km)

P 80-16 Kelsterbach* (Main, 19.0 km)

P 80-17 Frankfurt* (Main, 22.0 - 29.0 km)

P 80-18 Frankfurt (Main, 31.0 - 37.0 km)

P 80-19 Offenbach (Main, 40.0 km)

P 80-20 Hanau (Main, 56.0 - 60.0 km)

P 80-21 Grosskrotzenburg* (Main, 62.0 km)

P 80-22 Stockstadt (Main, 82.0 km)

P 80-23 Aschaffenburg (Main, 83.0 km)

P 80-24 Triefenstein* (Main, 173.0 km)

P 80-25 Karlstadt* (Main, 227.0 km)

P 80-26 Würzburg (Main, 246.0 - 251.0 km)

P 80-27 Schweinfurt (Main, 330.0 km)

P 80-28 Bamberg (Main - Donau - Kanal, 3.0 km)

P 80-29 Erlangen (Main - Donau - Kanal, 46.0 km)

P 80-30 Nürnberg (Main - Donau - Kanal, 72.0 km)

P 80-31 Regensburg (Danube, 2370.0 - 2378.0 km)

P 80-32 Deggendorf* (Danube, 2281.0 - 2284.0 km)

P 80-33 Linz (Danube, 2128.2 - 2130.6 km)

P 80-34 Linz - Vöest* (Danube, 2127.2 km)

P 80-35 Enns - Ennsdorf (Danube, 2111.8 km)

P 80-36 Krems (Danube, 2001.5 km)

P 80-37 Wien (Danube, 1916.8 - 1920.2 km)

P 80-38 Bratislava (Danube, 1867.0 km)

P 80-39 Györ - Gönyu (Danube, 1807.0 km)

P 80-40 Komarno (Danube, 1767.1 km)

P 80-41 Šturovo (Danube, 1722.0 km)

P 80-42 Budapest (Danube, 1640.0 km)

P 80-43 Sz- zhalombatta (Danube, 1618.7 km)

P 80-44 Dunaujvaros (Danube, 1579.0 km)

P 80-45 Dunaföldv- r (Danube, 1563.0 km)

P 80-46 Baja (Danube, 1480.0 km)

P 80-47 Vukovar (Danube, 1333.1 km)

P 80-48 Beograd (Danube, 1170.0 km)

P 80-49 Smederevo (Danube, 1116.3 km)

P 80-50 Orsova (Danube, 954.0 km)

P 80-51 Turnu Severin (Danube, 931.0 km)

P 80-52 Prahovo (Danube, 861.0 km)

P 80-53 Lom (Danube, 743.0 km)

P 80-54 Turnu Magurele (Danube, 597.0 km)

P 80-55 Svistov (Danube, 554.0 km)

P 80-56 Rousse (Danube, 495.0 km)

P 80-57 Giurgiu (Danube, 493.0 km)

P 80-58 Oltenitza (Danube, 430.0 km)

P 80-59 Calarasi (Danube, 370.5 km)

P 80-60 Braila (Danube, 172.0 - 168.5 km)

P 80-61 Galati (Danube, 157.0 - 145.4 km)

P 80-62 Giurgiulesti (Danube, 133.0 km)3

P 80-63 Reni (Danube, 128.0 km)

P 80-64 Tulcea (Danube, 73.5 - 70.0 km)

P 80-04-01 Port Autonome de Paris:

Gennevilliers (Seine, 194.7 km);

Bonneuil - Vigneux (Seine, 169.7 km)

Evry (Seine, 137.8 km);

Melun (Seine, 110.0 km);

Limay - Porcheville (Seine, 109.0 km);

Montereau (Seine, 67.4 km)

Nanterre (Seine, 39.4 km)

Bruyčres-sur-Oise (Oise, 96.9 km);

St. Ouen-lžAumône (Oise, 119.2 km);

Lagny (Marne, 149.8 km).

P 80-06-01 Dillingen (Saar, 59.0 km)

P 80-08-01 Osijek (Drava, 14.0 km)

P 80-01-01 Szeged (Tisza, 170.0 km)

P 80-14-01 Cernavoda (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 00.0 km)

P 80-14-02 Medgidia (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 27.5 km)

P 80-14-03 Constanta (Danube - Black Sea Canal, 64.0 km)

P 80-09-01 Ismail (Danube - Kilia arm, 93.0 km)

P 80-09-02 Kilia (Danube - Kilia arm, 47.0 km)

P 80-09-03 Oust-Dunaisk (Danube - Kilia arm, 1.0 km)

P 90-01 Taganrog (Taganrog Bay)

P 90-02 Eysk (Taganrog Bay)

P 90-03 Azov (Don, 3168.0 km)2

P 90-04 Rostov (Don, 3134.0 km)2

P 90-05 Oust-Donetsk (Don, 2997.0 km)2

P 90-03-01 Belgorod Dnestrovskiy (mouth of the Dnestr River)

P 90-03-02 Bender (Nistru, 228.0 km)

P 91-01 Milano Terminale (Milano-Po Canal, 0.0 km)4

P 91-02 Lodi (Milano - Po Canal, 20.0 km from Milano Terminale)4

P 91-03 Pizzighettone (Milano - Po Canal, 40.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-04 Cremona (Po, 55.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-05 Emilia Centrale (Po, 145.0 km from Milano Terminale)4

P 91-06 Ferrara (Po, 200.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-07 Adria (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 265.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-08 Chioggia (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 285.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-09 Marghera (Veneta Lateral Waterway 300.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-10 Nogaro (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 355.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-11 Monfalcone (Veneta Lateral Waterway, 410.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-12 Trieste (Adriatic Sea)

P 91-02-01 Piacenza (Po, 35.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-02-02 Pavia (Ticino, 98.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-02-03 Casale Monferrato (Po, 183.0 km from Conca di Cremona)

P 91-04-01 Garibaldi (Ferrara Waterway, 80.0 km from Ferrara)

P 91-06-01 Porto Tolle (Po Grande, 260.0 km from Milano Terminale)

P 91-01-01 Mantova (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 0.0 km)

P 91-01-02 Ostiglia (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 30.0 km)4

P 91-01-03 Legnago (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 65.0 km)4

P 91-01-04 Rovigo (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 140.0 km)4

P 91-01-05 Conca di Volta Grimana (Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco Waterway, 170.0 km)



(a) Tehničke osobine E plovnih putova

Glavne tehničke osobine E plovnih putova uglavnom će odgovarati klasifikaciji europskih plovnih puteva iz tabele 1.

Pri ocjenjivanju različitih E plovnih putova koristit će se osobine klasa IV-VII, uzimajući u obzir sljedeća načela:

(i) klasa plovnog puta utvrdit će se prema horizontalnim dimenzijama motornih plovila, teglenica i guranih konvoja, te prvenstveno prema glavnim standardiziranim dimenzijama, tj. njihovoj najvećoj širini;

(ii) samo plovni putovi koji zadovoljavaju barem najosnovnije zahtjeve klase IV (minimalne dimenzije plovila 85 m x 9,5 m) mogu se smatrati E plovnim putovima. Ograničenja gaza (manje od 2,50 m) i minimalne visine pod mostovima (manje od 5,25 m) mogu se prihvatiti samo za postojeće plovne putove i samo kao iznimka;

(iii) Pri moderniziranju plovnih putova klasa IV (kao i manjih regionalnih plovnih putova), preporuča se zadovoljenje barem parametara klase Va;

(iv) Novi E plovni putovi trebaju, međutim, kao minimum zadovoljavati zahtjeve klase Vb. U tome pogledu, treba osigurati najmanje gaz od 2,80 m;

(v) Pri moderniziranju postojećih plovnih putova i/ili izgradnji novih, uvijek treba uzimati u obzir plovila i konvoje većih dimenzija;

(vi) Da bi se osigurao djelotvorniji kontejnerski promet, najviše moguće vrijednosti međuprostora mostova moraju se predvidjeti u skladu s fusnotom 4 tabele 1. (5)

(vii) Unutarnji plovni putevi na koima se očekuje znatan opseg kontejnerskog i ro-ro prometa trebaju kao minimum zadovoljavati zahtjeve klase Vb. Porast od 7-10% na vrijednost najveće širine od 11,4 m za posebna plovila koja prometuju na plovnim putovima klase Va i viših klasa također se mogu predvidjeti, da bi se omogućio budući razvoj glede dimenzija kontejnera i lak prijevoz prikolica;

(viii) Na plovnim putovima s fluktuirajućim nivoom vode, preporučena vrijednost gaza treba odgovarati gazu koji se dostiže ili prelazi kroz prosječno 240 dana godišnje (ili 60% plovidbenog razdoblja). Vrijednost preporučene visine pod mostovima (5,25, 7,00 ili 9,10 m) treba se osigurati preko najvišeg plovidbenog nivoa, gdje je to moguće i ekonomski prihvatljivo;

(ix) Jednaka klasa, gaz i visina pod mostovima trebaju se osigurati ili duž cijelog plovnog puta ili barem na njegovim najvažnijim dijelovima;

(x) Gdje je to moguće, parametri za susjedne plovne putove trebaju biti jednaki ili slični;

(xi) Najveći gaz (4,50 m) i najmanji međuprostor ispod mostova (9,10 m) trebaju biti osigurani na svim dijelovima mreže koji su izravno povezani s priobalnim pravcima;

(xii) Najmanji međuprostor ispod mostova od 7,00 m treba se osigurati na plovnim putovima koji spajaju važne morske luke sa zaleđem te su prikladne za djelotvoran kontejnerski i promet rijeka-more;

(xiii) Priobalni pravci navedeni u aneksu I predviđeni su da bi se osigurao integritet mreže E plovnih putova širom Europe i namjeravaju se koristiti u okviru ovog Ugovora za promet plovila rijeka-more, čije dimenzije trebaju, gdje je to moguće i ekonomski održivo, zadovoljavati uvjete za samohodna plovila prikladna za plovidbu na plovnim putovima klasa Va i VIb;

Sljedeći minimalni zahtjevi smatraju se potrebnima da bi se plovni put osposobio za kontejnerski promet:

plovila za unutarnju plovidbu širine 11,4 m i duljine približno 110 m moraju biti sposobna za promet s tri ili više slojeva kontejnera; inače je potrebno osigurati dopuštenu duljinu guranih konvoja od 185 m u kojem slučaju mogu ploviti s dva sloja kontejnera.

5 Ako je, međutim, razmjer praznih kontejnera veći od 50%, treba razmotriti vrijednosti minimalne visine pod mostovima veće od naznačenih u fusnoti 4.

(b) Operativni kriteriji za E plovne putove

E plovni putovi trebaju zadovoljavati sljedeće osnovne operativne kriterije a da bi se osiguralo pouzdano odvijanje međunarodnog prometa:

(i) protočnost prometa treba biti osigurana tijekom cijelog plovidbenog razdoblja, uz iznimku niže spomenutih prekida;

(ii) Plovidbeno razdoblje može biti kraće od 365 dana samo u područjima s teškim klimatskim uvjetima, gdje nije moguće održati kanale nezaleđenima tijekom zimskog razdoblja, te je stoga potreban zimski prekid. U tim slučajevima treba utvrditi datume otvaranja i zatvaranja za plovidbu. Trajanje prekida plovidbenog razdoblja prouzročeno prirodnim pojavama kao što su led, poplave itd. treba odgovarajućim tehničkim i organizacijskim mjerama svesti na minimum;

(iii) Trajanje prekida u plovidbenom razdoblju radi redovnog održavanja ustava i ostalih hidrauličkih radova treba biti svedeno na minimum. Korisnici plovnih puteva na kojima se planiraju radovi održavanja trebaju se izvješćivati o datumima i trajanju predviđenog prekida plovidbe. U slučajevima nepredviđenih kvarova na ustavama i ostalim hidrauličkim uređajima ili druge više sile, trajanje prekida treba biti što je moguće ograničenije, uz primjenu svih odgovarajućih mjera poboljšanja situacije;

(iv) Tijekom razdoblja niskog vodostaja neće biti prihvatljivi nikakvi prekidi. Razumno ograničenje prihvatljivog gaza može se ipak primijeniti na plovnim putevima s fluktuirajućim vodostajem. Međutim, minimalni vodostaj od 1,20 m treba osigurati u svako vrijeme, pri čemu preporučeni ili karakteristični gaz treba osigurati ili prelaziti kroz 240 dana godišnje. U područjima spomenutim u gornjem podstavku (ii), minimalan gaz od 1,20 m treba biti osiguran kroz prosječno 60% plovidbenog razdoblja;

(v) Radno vrijeme na ustavama, pokretnim mostovima i ostaloj infrastrukturi treba biti takvo da se radnim danima može osigurati non-stop (24 sata) plovidba, ukoliko je to ekonomski održivo. U posebnim slučajevima moguće su iznimke iz organizacijskih i/ili tehničkih razloga. Razumno radno vrijeme treba osigurati tijekom državnih praznika i vikendom.

(c) Tehničke i operativne osobine E luka

Mreža E plovnih puteva treba biti dopunjena sustavom luka unutarnje plovidbe od međunarodnog značaja. Svaka E luka treba zadovoljavati sljedeće tehničke i operativne kriterije:

(i) Treba biti smještena na E plovnom putu;

(ii) Treba imati mogućnost smještaja plovila ili guranih konvoja koji se koriste na relevantnim plovnim putovima prema njihovoj klasi;

(iii) Treba biti povezana s glavnim cestovnim i željezničkim prometnicama (po mogućnosti s onima koje pripadaju u mrežu međunarodnih cesta i željezničkih veza utvrđenu Europskim ugovorom o glavnim međunarodnim prometnim arterijama (AGR), Europskim ugovorom o glavnim međunarodnim željezničkim vezama (AGC), te Europskim ugovorom o važnim međunarodnim vezama u kombiniranom prometu i srodnim objektima (AGTC);

(iv) Njihov odgovarajući pretovarni kapacitet treba biti najmanje 3,5 tona godišnje;

(v) Treba imati odgovarajuće uvjete za razvoj lučke industrijske zone;

(vi) Treba osigurati rukovanje standardnim kontejnerima, uz iznimku luka specijaliziranih za rukovanje rasutim teretima;

(vii) Svi uređaji potrebni za normalno odvijanje međunarodnog prometa trebaju biti dostupni;

(viii) U cilju osiguranja zaštite okoliša, uređaji za preradu otpada prikupljenog na brodovima trebaju biti dostupni u lukama od međunarodnog značaja.

Članak 3.

Za izvršenje ovoga Ugovora nadležno je Ministarstvo pomorstva, prometa i veza.

Članak 4.

Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

Klasa: 342-01/97-01/04
Zagreb, 12. studenoga 1998.


Zastupničkog doma
Hrvatskoga državnog sabora
akademik Vlatko Pavletić, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.