Zakoni i propisi - Pravni savjeti 12 18.6.1996. Zakon o potvrđivanju Sporazuma o konsolidaciji između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Ureda National du Ducroire Trg Meeus 40, Bruxelles, Belgija

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Na osnovi članka 89. Ustava Republike Hrvatske, donosim



Proglašavam Zakon o potvrđivanju Sporazuma o konsolidaciji između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Ureda National du Ducroire, Trg Meeus 40, Bruxelles, Belgija, koji je donio Zastupnički dom Sabora Republike Hrvatske na sjednici 2. listopada 1996.

Broj: 01-96-1682/1
Zagreb, 8. listopada 1996.

Republike Hrvatske
dr. Franjo Tuđman, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.



Članak 1.

Potvrđuje se Sporazum o konsolidaciji između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Ureda National du Ducroire, Trg Meeus 40, Bruxelles, Belgija, sklopljen 6. ožujka 1996. godine u izvorniku na engleskom jeziku.

Članak 2.

Tekst Sporazuma o konsolidaciji između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Ureda National du Ducroire, Trg Meeus 40, Bruxelles, Belgija, sklopljenog 6. ožujka 1996. godine, u izvorniku na engleskom jeziku i u prijevodu na hrvatski jezik glasi:

Članak 3.

Financijske obveze koje nastaju za Republiku Hrvatsku na temelju Sporazuma o konsolidaciji između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Ureda National du Ducroire, Trg Meeus 40, Bruxelles, Belgija, podmirivat će se u skladu s odredbama propisa o izvršavanju državnih proračuna za godine 1996. do 2009. te Zakona o sklapanju i izvršavanju međunarodnih ugovora.

Članak 4.

Za provedbu ovoga Zakona nadležno je Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske.

Članak 5.

Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu danom objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

Klasa: 402-09/93-01/05
Zagreb, 2. listopada 1996.


Zastupničkog doma Sabora
akademik Vlatko Pavletić, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.







The following has been set forth and agreed upon:

Article 1

The purpose of this Agreement is to determine the share of the Republic of Croatia in the debts mentioned in Article 2 hereinafter, and to consolidate the debts mentioned in Article 3 hereinafter, in accordance with the principles stated in the Agreed Minute of the meeting held in Paris on March 21, 1995 (Appendix I).

Article 2

The debts concerned by this Agreement are the repayments in principal and interest due as a result of the Refinancing Agreements concluded according to the Agreed Minutes dated May 22, 1984, May 24, 1985, May 13, 1986 and July 13, 1988 and guaranteed by the Office, hereinafter referred to as Refinancing Agreements 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The share of the Republic of Croatia in the debt refinanced in above-mentioned Refinancing Agreements is fixed as follows:

1. Refinancing Agreement 2 concluded by means of:

- a Credit Agreement signed between the Generale Bank / Belgium and Banque Bruxelles Lambert / Belgium and the National Bank of Yugoslavia, Beograd acting on behalf of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, on December 13, 1984 and;

- a memorandum of Understanding signed between the Office and the National Bank of Yugoslavia, Beograd acting on behalf of the Government of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on November 26, 1984.

The total debt refinanced under above-mentioned Refinancing Agreement 2 is amounting to 723.760.183 BEF, i. e.

602.271.178 BEF refinanced by the Generale Bank and

121. 489.005 BEF refinanced by the Banque Bruxelles Lambert.

The share of the Republic of Croatia is fixed at:

- for the Generale Bank: 19.530.112 BEF, i. e. 3,242744 % thereof;

- for the Banque Bruxelles Lambert: 34.280.605 BEF, i. e. 28.217043 % thereof.

2. Refinancing Agreement 3 concluded by means of:

- a Credit Agreement signed between the Generale Bank / Belgium and Banque Bruxelles Lambert / Belgium and the Ljubljanska Banka - Združena banka, Ljubljana acting on behalf of the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on November 21, 1985 and;

- a memorandum of Understanding signed between the Office and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on November 21, 1985.

The total debt refinanced under above-mentioned Refinancing Agreement 3 is amounting to 710.853.018 BEF, i.e.

630.093.581 BEF refinanced by the Generale Bank and

80.759.437 BEF refinanced by the Banque Bruxelles Lambert.

The share of the Republic of Croatia is fixed at:

- for the Generale Bank: 20.211.232 BEF, i.e. 3,2076556 % thereof;

- for the Banque Bruxelles Lambert: 27.347.549 BEF, i.e. 33,862976% thereof.

3. Refinancing Agreement 4 concluded by means of:

- a Credit Agreement signed between the Generale Bank / Belgium and Banque Bruxelles Lambert / Belgium and the Ljubljanska Banka - Združena banka, Ljubljana acting on behalf of the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on January 8, 1987 and;

- a memorandum of Understanding signed between the Office and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on January 8, 1987.

The total debt refinanced under above-mentioned Refinancing Agreement 4 is amounting to 505.481.255 BEF (337.087.810 BEF for stage 1 + 168.393.445 BEF fot stage 2) i. e. 478.121.688 BEF refinanced by the Generale Bank (309.728.243 BEF for stage 1 + 168.393.445 BEF for stage 2) and

27.359.567 BEF refinanced by the Banque Bruxelles Lambert (stage 1).

The share of the Republic of Croatia is fixed at:

- for the Generale Bank Stage 1: 12.450.543 BEF, i. e. 4,019828 % thereof;

Stage 2: 3.370.169 BEF, i. e. 2,001366 % thereof;

- for the Banque Bruxelles Lambert 7.774.657 BEF, i. e. 28,416592 % thereof.

4. Refinancing Agreement 5 concluded by means of:

- a Credit Agreement signed between the Generale Bank / Belgium and Banque Bruxelles Lambert / Belgium and the Ljubljanska Banka - Združena banka, Ljubljana acting on behalf of the Federal Executive Council of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on November 17, 1988 and;

- a memorandum of Understanding signed between the Office and the Federal Executive Council of the Assembly of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on November 17, 1988.

The total debt refinanced under above-mentioned Refinancing Agrement 5 is amounting to 854.550.054 BEF i. e.

785.580.148 BEF refinanced by the Generale Bank and

68.969.906 BEF refinanced by the Banque Bruxelles Lambert.

The share of the Republic of Croatia is fixed at:

- for the Generale Bank: 15.052.701 BEF i. e. 1,9161254 % thereof;

- for the Banque Bruxelles Lambert: 20.064.651 BEF i. e. 29,091892 % thereof.

Article 3

The consolidation applies to:

A) 100 % of the amounts in principal and interest due as at December 31, 1994 inclusive and not paid and 100 % of the amounts of principal due from January 1, 1995 up to December 31, 1995 inclusive and not paid in respect of the Croatian part of the debt mentioned in Article 2 hereabove.

The debts concerned, which are listed in Appendix II. A, amount to:

1. Refinancing Agrement 2:

Principal Interest Total

9.765.057 BEF - 9.765.057 for the Generale Bank

17.140.304 BEF - 17.140.304 BEF for the B.B.L.

2. Refinancing Agreement 3:

Principal Interest Total

16.168.985 BEF 299.723 BEF 16.468.708 BEF for the Generale Bank

21.624.181 BEF 0 BEF 21.624.181 BEF for the B.B.L.

3. Refinancing Agreement 4:

Principal Interest Total

Stage 1 11.205.489 BEF 929.683 BEF 12.135.172 BEF for the Generale Bank

Stage 2 2.696.136 BEF 839.853 BEF 3.535.989 BEF for the Generale Bank

Stage 1 6.727.467 0 BEF 6.727.467 BEF fot the B.B.L.

4. Refinancing Agreement 5:

Principal Interest Total

3.763.176 BEF 1.127.929 BEF 4.891.105 BEF for the Generale Bank

4.998.048 BEF 0 BEF 4.998.048 BEF for the B.B.L.

Total amount consolidated for the Generale Bank and the Banque Bruxelles Lambert

Principal Interest Total

94.088.843 BEF 3.197.188 BEF 97.286.031 BEF

B) Late interest as at December 31. 1994 on above-mentioned debts

The debts concerned, which are listed in Appendix II B, amount to:

5.581.494 BEF for the Generale Bank

3.874.369 BEF fot the B.B.L.

9.455.863 BEF

Article 4

The Government undertakes to pay the amounts stated in Article 3 hereabove as follows:

a) The amounts mentioned in Article 3 A) will be paid according to the following repaymentscheme:

- 1,29% on January 31, 1998 - 1,46% on July 31, 1998

- 1,64% on January 31, 1999 - 1,82% on July 31, 1999

- 2,02% on January 31, 2000 - 2,22% on July 31, 2000

- 2,44% on January 31, 2001 - 2,66% on July 31, 2001

- 2,90% on January 31, 2002 - 3,15% on July 31, 2002

- 3,42% on January 31, 2003 - 3,69% on July 31, 2003

- 3,98% on January 31, 2004 - 4,28% on July 31, 2004

- 4,60% on January 31, 2005 - 4,93% on July 31, 2005

- 5,28% on January 31, 2006 - 5,65% on July 31, 2006

- 6,03% on January 31, 2007 - 6,43% on July 31, 2007

- 6,85% on January 31, 2008 - 7,29% on July 31, 2008

- 7,74% on January 31, 2009 - 8,23% on July 31, 2009.

b) The amounts mentioned in Article 3 B) will be paid in 10 equal and successive semiannual instalments, the first payment to be made on July 31, 1996 and the final payment to be made on January 31, 2001.

Article 5

The Government undertakes to pay interest computed on the total amount remaining due under Article 3 A) and B) hereabove.

A) Interest accruing until 31. 12. 95

Interest accruing until 31. 12. 95 on the amounts referred to in Article 3 hereabove will continue to be paid to the Generale Bank and the Banque Bruxelles Lambert on the basis of the interest rate provided for in the respective Refinancing Agreements.

Both Belgian banks will send a copy of their notifications of the interest to be paid to the Government.

B) Interest accruing after 31. 12. 95

Interest accruing after 31. 12. 95 on the amounts referred to in Article 3 hereabove will be paid to the Office.

This interest shall accrue from day to day and be computed on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed and a year of 360 days.

It will be computed at a fixed rate of 7,84% p.a.

It will be paid semi-annually on January 31 and July 31 of each year according to the schedules listed in Appendix III, the first payment to be made on January 31, 1996.

Article 6

The Government undertakes, within 30 days of the signature of the present Agreement, to issue a set of promissory notes representing all payments to be made according to Articles 4 and 5 above.

These documents, drawn up following the model as enclosed (Appendix IV) shall be domiciled at the A.S.L.K.-C.G.E.R. bank in Brussels.

Article 7

All payments to be effected by the Government to the Office under the provisions of this Agreement shall be made to account nr. 001-0802662-63 of the Office with the ASLK-CGER Bank in Brussels.

Article 8

Any further modification of the consolidated amounts as well as any delayed payment shall be registered in the current account which both parties agree to open in the books of the Office.

Article 9

In case the Government fails to meet its payment obligations under this Agreement, the Office will be entitled to suspend the execution of this Agreement and to require direct payment of all amounts remaining due under Article 3 above.

Article 10

Any sum due to the Office under this Agreement and unpaid at its maturity date, will bear automatically interest from its maturity date, at the rate provided for in Article 5 above increased by 1%.

Article 11

All payments due to the Office under this Agreement shall be made by the Government free of any charges and taxes whatsoever.

Article 12

The Government undertakes not to accord more favourable treatment for debts of a comparable term to any other creditor than that which it accords to the Office according to the present Agreement.

Article 13

The present Agreement does not change the terms and financial conditions of the existing bilateral Refinancing Agreements mentioned in Article 2 above.

Article 14

This Agreement shall be governed and construed according to Belgian Law.

All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present Agreement, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules.

Article 15

The present Agreement shall enter into force on a latter date on which either party to this Agreement notifies the other that its national legal requirements for entry into force of this Agreement have been fulfilled.

This Agreement shall enter into preliminary implementations from the date of signature.

In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signed the present Agreement.

Done in Zagreb, in two originals in the English language, both copies being equally authentic, on March 06, 1996.

For the Government of the For the Office National du

Republic of Croatia Ducroire,

Božo Prka, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.
J. L. Hick, v. r.
Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.

Minister of Finance Deputy director

Appendix IV


BEF ....................

.................. (datum))

Promissory note

On ........................................ (1), ........ shall pay, in pursuance of the Bilateral Agreement signed on, to the Office National du Ducroire, Square de Meeűs 40, 1040-Brussels, or to its order, the sum of BEF ..................... (2) Belgian Francs.


Domicilied, i. e. payable at the

Caisse Générale džEpargne et de

Retraite (A.S.L.K.- C.G.E.R.)

in Brussels

(1) Date of maturity

(2) Amount written in full








Ugovorne strane sporazumne su o slijedećem:

Članak 1

Svrha ovog Sporazuma je odrediti udio Republike Hrvatske u dugovima o kojima je riječ u Članku 2 ovog Sporazuma, te konsolidirati dugove o kojima je riječ u Članku 3, u skladu s principima određenim u Usklađenom zapisniku sa sastanka održanog 21. ožujka 1995. godine u Parizu (Dodatak I).

Članak 2

Dugovi obuhvaćeni ovim Sporazumom su nepodmireni iznosi glavnice i kamate koji proizlaze iz sporazuma o refinanciranju zaključenih u skladu s Usklađenim zapisnicima koji su sačinjeni 22. svibnja 1984. godine, 24. svibnja 1985. godine, 13. svibnja 1986. godine, te 13. lipnja 1988. godine, za koje je garanciju izdao Ured, a na koje se u daljnjem tekstu ovog Sporazuma koristi izraz Sporazumi o refinanciranju 2, 3, 4 i 5.

Udio Republike Hrvatske u dugovima koji su refinancirani gore navedenim Sporazumima u refinanciranju utvrđen je kako slijedi:

1. Sporazum o refinanciranju 2 temelji se na:

- Sporazumu o kreditu potpisanom između Generale Bank, Belgija i Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Belgija i Narodne Banke Jugoslavije, Beograd koja je djelovala u ime Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, na dan 13. prosinca 1984. godine, te

- memorandumu o razumijevanju potpisanom između Ureda i Narodne Banke Jugoslavije, Beograd, koja je djelovala u ime Vlade Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, na dan 26. studenog 1984. godine.

Ukupan dug refinanciran u skladu s gore navedenim Sporazumom o refinanciranju 2 iznosi 723,760,183 BEF, tj.

602,271,178 BEF je refinancirala Generale Bank, te

121,489,005 je refinancirala Banque Bruxelles Lambert.

Udio Republike Hrvatske je utvrđen i iznosi:

- banci Generale Bank 19,530,112 BEF, tj. 3,242744% ukupnog iznosa;

- banci Banque Bruxelles Lambert 34,280,605, tj. 28.217043% ukupnog iznosa.

2. Sporazum o refinanciranju 3 temelji se na:

- Sporazumu o kreditu potpisanom između Generale Bank, Belgija i Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Belgija i Ljubljanske Banke - Združene banke, Ljubljana koja je djelovala u ime Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, na dan 21. studenog 1985. godine, te

- memoranduma o razumijevanju potpisanom između Ureda i Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije na dan 21. studenog 1985. godine.

Ukupan dug refinanciran u skladu s gore navedenim Sporazumom o refinanciranju 3 iznosi 710,853,018 BEF, tj.

630,093,581 BEF je refinancirala Generale Bank, te

80,759,437 je refinancirala Banque Bruxelles Lambert

Udio Republike Hrvatske je utvrđen i iznosi:

- banci Generale Bank 20,211,232 BEF, tj. 3,2076556% ukupnog iznosa;

- banci Banque Bruxelles Lambert 27,347,549, tj. 33,862976% ukupnog iznosa.

3. Sporazum o refinanciranju 4 temelji se na:

- Sporazumu o kreditu potpisanom između Generale Bank, Belgija i Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Belgija i Ljubljanske Banke - Združene banke, Ljubljana koja je djelovala u ime Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, na dan 8. siječnja 1987. godine, te

- memoranduma o razumijevanju potpisanom između Ureda i Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije na dan 8. siječnja 1987. godine.

Ukupan dug refinanciran u skladu s gore navedenim Sporazumom o refinanciranju 4 iznosi 505,481,255 BEF (337,087,810 za Stupanj 1 + 168,393,445 BEF za Stupanj 2), tj.

478,121,688 BEF je refinancirala Generale Bank (309,728,243 BEF za Stupanj 1 + 168,393,445 BEF za Stupanj 2) te

27,359,567 BEF je refinancirala Banque Bruxelles Lambert (Stupanj 1).

Udio Republike Hrvatske je utvrđen i iznosi:

- banci Generale Bank Stupanj 1:12,450,543 BEF, tj. 4.019828% ukupnog iznosa;

Stupanj 2:3,370,169 BEF, tj. 2.001366% ukupnog iznosa;

- banci Banque Bruxelles Lambert 7,774,657 BEF, tj. 28.416592% ukupnog iznosa.

4. Sporazum o refinanciranju 5 temelji se na:

Sporazumu o kreditu potpisanom između Generale Bank, Belgija i Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Belgija i Ljubljanske Banke - Združene banke, Ljubljana koja je djelovala u ime Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, na dan 17. studenog 1988. godine, te

- memoranduma o razumijevanju potpisanom između Ureda i Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Skupštine Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije na dan 17. studenog 1988. godine.

Ukupan dug refinanciran u skladu s gore navedenim Sporazumom o refinanciranju 5 iznosi 854,550,054 BEF, tj.

785,580,148 BEF je refinancirala Generale Bank, te

68,969,906 BEF je refinancirala Banque Bruxelles Lambert.

Udio Republike Hrvatske iznosi:

- banci Generale Bank 15,052,701 BEF, tj. 1,9161254% ukupnog iznosa;

- banci Banque Bruxelles Lambert 20,064,651 BEF, tj. 29,091892% ukupnog iznosa.

Članak 3.

Konsolidacija se odnosi na:

A) 100%-ne nepodmirene iznose glavnice i kamate s dospijećem na i uključujući 31. prosinca 1994. godine, te 100%-ne iznose nepodmirene glavnice koja dospijeva u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1995. godine do i uključujući 31. prosinca 1995. godine s obzirom na hrvatski udio u dugu o kojem je riječ u Članku 2. ovog Sporazuma.

Dugovi obuhvaćeni ovim Sporazumom, navedeni u dodatku II.A, iznose:

1. Sporazum o refinanciranju 2:

Glavnica Kamata Ukupno

9,765,057 BEF - 9,765,057 BEF prema Generale Bank

17,140,304 BEF - 17,140,304 BEF prema B. B. L.

2. Sporazum o refinanciranju 3:

Glavnica Kamata Ukupno

16,168,985 BEF 307,872 BEF 16,476,857 BEF prema Generale Bank

21,624,181 BEF 0 BEF 21,624,181 BEF prema 

B. B. L.

3. Sporazum o refinanciranju 4:

Glavnica Kamata Ukupno

Stupanj 1: 11,205,489 BEF 929,683 BEF 12,135,172 BEF prema Generale Bank

Stupanj 2: 2,696,136 BEF 839,853 BEF 3,535,989 BEF prema Generale Bank

Stupanj 1: 727,467 BEF 0 BEF 6,727,467 BEF prema B. B. L.

4. Sporazum o refinanciranju 5:

Glavnica Kamata Ukupno

3,763,176 BEF 1,127,929 BEF 4,891,105 BEF prema Geneale Bank

4,998,048 BEF 0 BEF 4,998,048 BEF prema B. B. L.

Ukupan iznos koji je konsolidiran banci Generale Bank i Banque Bruxelles Lambert

Glavnica Kamate Ukupno

94,088,843 BEF 3,205,337 BEF 97,294,180 BEF

B) Zatezne kamate na dan 31. prosinca 1994. godine za gore navedene dugove

Obuhvaćeni dugovi, navedeni u dodatku II.B, iznose:

5,581,494 BEF prema Generale Bank

3,874,369 BEF prema B. B. L.

9,455,863 BEF

Članak 4

Vlada preuzima obvezu da će platiti iznose navedene u Članku 3 ovog Sporazuma na slijedeći način:

a) Iznosi o kojima je riječ u Članku 3 A) bit će plaćeni u skladu sa slijedećim programom otplate:

- 1.29% na dan 31. siječnja 1998. - 1.46% na dan 31. srpnja 1998.

- 1.64% na dan 31. siječnja 1999. - 1.82% na dan 31. srpnja 1999.

- 2.02% na dan 31. siječnja 2000. - 2.22% na dan 31. srpnja 2000.

- 2.44% na dan 31. siječnja 2001. - 2.66% na dan 31. srpnja 2001.

- 2.90% na dan 31. siječnja 2002. - 3.15% na dan 31. srpnja 2002.

- 3.42% na dan 31. siječnja 2003. - 3.69% na dan 31. srpnja 2003.

- 3.98% na dan 31. siječnja 2004. - 4.28% na dan 31. srpnja 2004.

- 4.60% na dan 31. siječnja 2005. - 4.93% na dan 31. srpnja 2005.

- 5.28% na dan 31. siječnja 2006. - 5.65% na dan 31. srpnja 2006.

- 6.03% na dan 31. siječnja 2007. - 6.43% na dan 31. srpnja 2007.

- 6.85% na dan 31. siječnja 2008. - 7.29% na dan 31. srpnja 2008.

- 7.74% na dan 31. siječnja 2009. - 8.23% na dan 31. srpnja 2009.

b) Iznosi o kojima je riječ u Članku 3 B) bit će plaćeni u 10 jednakih uzastopnih polugodišnjih obroka, pri čemu će prvi obrok biti plaćen 31. srpnja 1996. godine, a posljednji 31. siječnja 2001. godine.

Članak 5

Vlada preuzima obvezu da će platiti kamatu obračunatu na ukupan iznos koji ostaje nepodmiren u skladu s Člankom 3 A) i B) ovog Sporazuma.

A) Kamata narasla do 31. 12. 95.

Kamata narasla do 31. 12. 95. na iznose o kojima je riječ u Članku 3 ovog Sporazuma nastavit će se plaćati banci Generale Bank i banci Banque Bruxelles Lambert na temelju kamatne stope koja je određena u odgovarajućim Sporazumima o refinanciranju.

Obje belgijske banke poslat će Vladi kopiju obavijesti o kamati koju treba platiti.

B) kamata narasla nakon 31. 12. 95.

Kamata narasla nakon 31. 12. 95. na iznose o kojima je riječ u Članku 3 ovog Sporazuma bit će plaćena Uredu.

Ova kamata će dnevno rasti i obračunavat će na temelju stvarnog broja proteklih dana i godine od 360 dana.

Obračunavat će se po fiksnoj stopi od 7,84 godišnje.

Plaćat će se polugodišnje na dan 31. siječnja i 31. srpnja svake godine u skladu s rasporedima koji su navedeni u Dodatku III, pri čemu će prva uplata biti izvršena 31. siječnja 1996. godine.

Članak 6

Vlada preuzima obvezu u roku od 30 dana od potpisivanja ovog Sporazuma, izdati obveznice za sva plaćanja koja će biti izvršena u skladu s člancima 4 i 5 ovog Sporazuma.

Domaća banka za ove dokumente sačinjene slijedom priloženog modela (Dodatak IV) bit će A. S. L. K. - C. G. E. R. banka u Bruxellesu.

Članak 7

Sva plaćanja Vlade prema Uredu u skladu s odredbama ovog Sporazuma bit će izvršena u korist Ureda na račun br. 001-0802662-63 kod Banke ASLK-CGER u Bruxellesu.

Članak 8

Sve daljnje preinake konsolidiranih iznosa kao i bilo kakva odgođena plaćanja registrirat će se na tekućem računu koji su obje strane sporazumne otvoriti u knjigama Ureda.

Članak 9

U slučaju da Vlada ne ispuni svoje platne obveze u skladu s ovim Sporazumom, Ured će imati pravo prekinuti izvršenje Sporazuma i zatražiti izravnu isplatu svih iznosa koji su ostali nepodmireni u skladu s gornjim Člankom 3.

Članak 10

Svaki iznos dospio u skladu s ovim Sporazumom i nepodmiren Uredu na datum dospijeća automatski će nositi kamate od datuma dospijeća po stopi koja je određena u gornjem Članku 5 uvećanoj za 1%.

Članak 11

Sva plaćanja koja dospijevaju Uredu u skladu s ovim Sporazumom Vlada će izvršiti bez ikakvih naknada ili poreza.

Članak 12

Vlada preuzima obvezu osigurati takav tretman dugovanja koja ima prema Uredu u skladu s ovim Sporazumom koji neće biti nepovoljniji od tretmana usporedivih rokova bilo kojeg drugog vjerovnika.

Članak 13

Ovaj Sporazum ne mijenja rokove i financijske uvjete postojećih dvostranih Sporazuma o refinanciranju o kojima je riječ u gornjem Članku 2.

Članak 14

Ovaj Sporazum podliježe belgijskom zakonodavstvu. Svi sporovi koji proizlaze ili su u svezi s ovim Sporazumom, a koji ne mogu biti rješeni dogovorom, bit će konačno rješavani u skladu s Pravilnikom o arbitraži Međunarodne trgovačke komore u Parizu, a arbitražu će izvršiti tri arbitra koji će biti određeni u skladu s rečenim pravilima.

Članak 15

Ovaj Sporazum stupa na snagu na datum posljednje obavijesti bilo koje strane ovog Sporazuma kako su ispunjeni pravni postupci predviđeni domaćim zakonodavstvom za stupanje na snagu ovog Sporazuma.

Ovaj Sporazum privremeno će se primjenjivati od datuma njegovog potpisa.

U potvrdu gornjeg, uredno ovlašteni dolje potpisani opunomoćenici potpisali su ovaj Sporazum.

Sačinjeno u Zagrebu 6. ožujka 1996. godine u dva izvorna primjerka na engleskom jeziku, od kojih su oba jednako vjerodostojna.

Za Vladu Republike Hrvatske Za Ured National du


Božo Prka J. L. Hick

Ministar financija Zamjenik predsjednika

Dodatak IV


BEF ....................

.................. (datum)


Na dan ...................... (1), ................... će platiti, u skladu s dvostranim Sporazumom potpisanim 6. ožujka 1996. godine, Uredu National du Ducroire, Trg Meeus 40, 1040- Bruxelles, ili onomu koga isti odredi, iznos od BEF ............................ (2) belgijskih franaka.


Plativo na Caisse Generale

džErpargne st de Retraite


u Brussels

(1) datum dospjeća

(2) Puni iznos napisan slovima

Bilateral agreement on the consolidation of the external debt service obligations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia to the Netherlands creditors.

This agreement is concluded between the Government of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as »the Government«) and the Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij N.V. (hereinafter referred to as »NCM«) the latter acting by order and with authorization of the Government of the Netherlands, on the basis of the principles set forth in the Agreed Minute (attached as Annex I) of the meetings held in Paris on January 26, 1995 and March 20 and 21, 1995 between representatives of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and representatives of several other Governments, including the Government of the Netherlands.

The Government and NCM agree to the following:

Art. 1.

This agreement applies to the known and mutually agreed debts of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia owed or guaranteed by entities located on Croatian territory, including Government entities or entities legally authorized to act on their behalf or banks, resulting from:

a. Commercial credits insured by NCM and reinsured with the Government of the Netherlands having an original maturity of more than one year, pursuant to contracts or other financial arrangements concluded before December 2, 1982.

b. 1. The bilateral agreement on the consolidation of the external debt service obligations of the former Republic of Yugoslavia to the Netherlands Creditors, concluded September 20, 1984 according to the Agreed Minute of the Paris Club meeting of May 22, 1984;

b. 2. The bilateral agreement on the consolidation of the external debt service obligations of the former Republic of Yugoslavia to the Netherlands Creditors, concluded September 25, 1985 according to the Agreed Minute of the Paris Club meeting of May 24, 1985;

b. 3. The bilateral agreement on the consolidation of the external debt service obligations of the former Republic of Yugoslavia to the Netherlands Creditors, concluded February 20, 1987 according to the Agreed Minute of the Paris Club meeting of May 13, 1986;

b. 4. The bilateral agreement on the consolidation of the external debt service obligations of the former Republic of Yugoslavia to the Netherlands Creditors, concluded September 8, 1988 according to the Agreed Minute of the Paris Club meeting of July 13, 1983;

Art. 2

The Government recognizes all conditions stipulated in the agreements mentioned in Art. 1. b. and undertakes to fulfil all payment obligations with respect to these agreements according to the original repayment and interest schedules as laid down in the respective agreements, as far as the original debtor or guarantor of the respective debt is located on Croatian territory, with the exception of the principal and interest amounts due and not paid as at December 31, 1994 and from January 1, 1995 up to and including December 31, 1995. Latter amounts will be deferred as laid down in Art. 3 of this agreement. Lists of such debts and schedules are attached as Annex IIa, IIB, IIC and IID.

Art. 3

The debts to be rescheduled according to this agreement are:

a. All amounts of principal and interest (excluding late interest) due and not paid as at December 31, 1994 resulting from contracts (or financial arrangements) and bilateral agreements as mentioned in Art. 1. Lists of such debts are attached as Annex III.

b. All amounts of principal (excluding late interest) due and not paid from January 1, 1995 up to and including December 31, 1995 resulting from the bilateral agreements as mentioned in Art 1. b. Lists of such debts are attached as Annex IV.

Art. 4

Provided the Government continues to have an arrangement with the International Monetary Fund in the upper credit tranches (as set out in Art. IV-3 of the agreed Minute) the Government undertakes to pay NCM the debts mentioned in Art. 3 in the following way:

- 1,29% on January 31, 1998; - 1,46% on July 31, 1998

- 1,64% on January 31, 1999; - 1,82% on July 31, 1999

- 2,02% on January 31, 2000; - 2,22% on July 31, 2000

- 2,44% on January 31, 2001; - 2,66% on July 31, 2001

- 2,90% on January 31, 2002; - 3,15% on July 31, 2002

- 3,42% on January 31, 2003; - 3,69% on July 31, 2003

- 3,98% on January 31, 2004; - 4,28% on July 31, 2004

- 4,60% on January 31, 2005; - 4,93% on July 31, 2005

- 5,28% on January 31, 2006; - 5,65% on July 31, 2006

- 6,03% on January 31, 2007; - 6,43% on July 31, 2007

- 6,85% on January 31, 2008; - 7,29% on July 31, 2008

- 7,74% on January 31, 2009; - 8,23% on July 31, 2009

Art. 5

The Government agrees to pay NCM interest on 100% of the amounts to be rescheduled according to Art. 4. as follows:

a. With regard to the debts referred to in Art. 3 a.:

1. a. late interest will be calculated over the period from the original due dates as set forth in the contracts as mentioned in Art. 1 a. until December 31, 1994. This late interest will be calculated at the rates as mentioned in Annex V.

1. b. late interest will be calculated at a rate of 8,1% over the period from the original due dates as set forth in the bilateral agreements as mentioned in Art. 1 b. 1-4 until December 31, 1994.

This late interest as mentioned in Art. 5.1.a. and 5.1.b. accrued as at December 31, 1994 and not paid, will be paid in 10 equal and successive semi-annual instalments, the first payment to be made on July 31, 1996 and the final payment to be made on January 31, 2001. Lists of such debets are attached as Annex VI.

Consolidation interest at a rate of 8,0% per annum will be charged on the amounts of late interest thus deferred. This interest will be calculated over the period from January 1, 1995 until the respective dates for payment according to this article and will be paid for the first time on Novembar 30, 1995 and semi-annually thereafter starting January 31, 1996.

2. consolidation interest will be calculated at a rate of 8,0% per annum over the period from January 1, 1995 until the dates of repayment of the debts as set forth in Art. 4. This interest will be payable for the first time on November 30, 1995 and semi- annually thereafter starting January 31, 1996.

b. With regard to the debts referred to in Art. 3 b.:

consolidation interest will be calculated at a rate of 8,0% per annum over the period from the due dates set forth in the bilateral agreements as mentioned under Art. 1b until the dates of repayment as set forth in Art. 4. This interest will be payable for the first time on November 30, 1995 and semi-annually thereafter starting January 31, 1996.

Art. 6

All interest calculations resulting from this agreement will be made on the basis of 365/366 days per annum.

Art. 7

In case any payment of principle or interest fails to be made fully or in part on its due date according to the schedules laid down in Articles 4 and 5, interest will be due on the unpaid balance of such payments at the rates mentioned in Art. 5 increased by a compensation of 1% per annum. This interest will be calculated as of the scheduled payment date until the date of receipt by the NCM of final payments of the amount(s) due and will be paid semi-annually without any intermediate capitalization.

Art. 8

NCM undertakes to forward to the Government a calculation of the amounts to be paid as a result of this agreement, based on NCMžs data on the debts, within one month after the date of signature of this agreement.

Art. 9

All payments covered by this agreement will be made by the Privedna Banka Zagreb d.d. nominated by the Government as its paying agent into the account no. of NCM with ABN-AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam

Art. 10

All annexes to this agreement form an integral part of this agreement. In Annex VII a summary is presented of the aggregate amounts of the Annexes II to VI.

Art. 11

Any dispute, difference or question relating to the performance, interpretation or construction of this agreement shall be settled by consultation between the Government and NCM.

Art. 12

The Government shall seek to secure from external creditors, including banks and suppliers, rescheduling or refinancing arrangements on terms comparable to those set forth in this agreement for credits of comparable maturity, making sure to avoid inequality of treatment between different categories of creditors.

Art. 13

The present agreement shall come into preliminary implementation on the date of signature and shall enter into force on a later date on which either party to this agreement notifies the other that its national legal requirements for entry into force of this agreement have been fulfilled.

Done in duplicate in English, both copies being equally valid.

For the Government of the For the Nederlandsche

Republic of Croatia Credietverzekering

Maatschappij nv

Božo Prka, v. r.

Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.
Ronald Meijer, v. r.
Prema Ustavu Republike Hrvatske, a uzimajući u obzir jedno od glavnih načela prava ignorantia iuris nocet (s latinskog nepoznavanje prava šteti - nitko se ne može ispričavati da nije znao da nešto zakonom nije bilo zabranjeno ili regulirano), prije nego što stupe na snagu zakoni i svi drugi propisi državnih tijela obvezno se objavljuju u Narodnim novinama. Osim zakona i drugih akata Hrvatskog sabora, u Narodnim novinama objavljuju se uredbe i drugi akti Vlade Republike Hrvatske, pravilnici, naredbe, napuci koje donose nadležni ministri, presude Ustavnog suda Republike, imenovanja i razrješenja državnih dužnosnika, veleposlanika, te i svi drugi akti državnih institucija. Također u posebnom dijelu (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori) objavljuju se međunarodni ugovori koje je sklopila Republika Hrvatska. U narodnim novinama nalazi se i oglasnik javne nabave.

Minister of Finance Senior Director

Zagreb, 29. February 1996. Amsterdam, January 11. 1996.

Annex VII Summary of annexes

Annex I: Copy of Paris Club Agreed Minute

Annex IIA: Original debts under agreement of 20. 09. 1984 with Former Republic of Yugoslavia

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

001 Privredna Banka 22.716.670,-

007 Privredna Banka/VMI 16.562,-

011 Rijecka Banka 240.533,-

016 Rijecka Banka/Lips 22.899,-

021 Jugo Banka 363.057,-

031 Splitska Banka 114.570,-

041 Zagrebacka Banka 131.644,-

051 Istarska Banka 22.175,-

061 Istarska Banka/Lips 18.574,-

Annex IIB: Original debts under agreement of 25. 09. 1985 with Former Republic of Yugoslavia

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

002 Privredna Banka 28.925.686,-

008 Privredna Banka/VMI 14.906,-

012 Rijecka Banka 815.413,-

022 Jugo Banka 2.503.995,-

032 Splitska Banka 274.241,-

042 Zagrebacka Banka 236.960,-

052 Istarska Banka 139.928,-

062 Istarska Banka/Lips 189.150,-

Annex IIC: Original debts under agreement of 20. 02. 1987 with Former Republic of Yugoslavia

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

003 Privredna Banka 22.401.766,-

004 Privredna Bank 22.138.214,-

013 Rijecka Banka 242.635,-

014 Rijecka Banka 110.295,-

023 Jugo Banka 1.525.250,-

024 Jugo Banka 1.385.710,-

033 Splitska Banka 194.770,-

034 Splitska Banka 76.721,-

043 Zagrebacka Banka 223.794,-

044 Zagrebacka Banka 221.162,-

053 Istarska Banka 132.154,-

063 Istarska Banka/lips 129.618,-

064 Istarska Banka 34.223,-

Annex IID: Original debts under agreement of 08. 09. 1988 with Former Republic of Yugoslavia

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

005 Privredna Banka 41.154.683,-

015 Rijecka Banka 35.503,-

025 Jugo Banka 1.925.661,-

501 Privredna Banka 16.400.492,-

502 Privredna Banka/VMI 8.921,-

511 Rijecka Banka 207.650.-

512 Rijecka Banka/Lips 10.585,-

521 Jugo Banka 605.360,-

531 Splitska Banka 97.226,-

541 Zagrebacka Banka 115.373,-

551 Istarska Banka 32.342,-

561 Istarska Banka/Lips 37.302,-

Annex III: Amounts of principal and interest due as at 31. 12. 1994

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

601 Privredna Banka 22.294.800,-

602 Privredna Banka 7.276.692,-

603 Privredna Banka 9.371.099,-

604 Privredna Banka 1.097.136,-

611 Privredna Banka 11.357.880,-

612 Privredna Banka 23.140.548,-

613 Privredna Banka 15.681.260,-

614 Privredna Banka 13.282.932,-

615 Privredna Banka 8.281,-

616 Privredna Banka 11.924,-

621 Rijecka Banka 120.261,-

622 Rijecka Banka 652.333,-

623 Rijecka Banka 169.841,-

624 Rijecka Banka 66.180,-

625 Rijecka Banka 11.450,-

631 Jugo Banka 181.523,-

632 Jugo Banka 2.226.486,-

633 Jugo Banka 1.262.602,-

634 Jugo Banka 1.073.054,-

635 Jugo Banka 418.831,-

636 Jugo Banka 131.650,-

641 Splitska Banka 57.284,-

642 Splitska Banka 243.844,-

643 Splitska Banka 161.234,-

644 Splitska Banka 59.407,-

645 Splitska Banka 21.142,-

651 Zagrebacka Banka 65.819,-

652 Zagrebacka Banka 189.568,-

653 Zagrebacka Banka 156.660,-

654 Zagrebacka Banka 132.696,-

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

661 Istarska Banka 11.086,-

662 Istarska Banka 111.944,-

663 Istarska Banka 92.512,-

664 Istarska Banka 9.286,-

665 Istarska Banka 151.320,-

666 Istarska Banka 90.734,-

667 Istarska Banka 20.538,-

Annex IV: Amounts of principal due 01. 01. 1995 - 31. 12. 1995

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

504 Privredna Banka 23.299.004,-

513 Rijecka Banka/Lips 2.646,-

514 Rijecka Banka 131.385,-

523 Jugo Banka 78.598,-

543 Zagrebacka Banka 117.830,-

553 Istarska Banka 76.610,-

Annex V: Late interest accrued as at December 31, 1994

Annex VI: Late interest accrued as at December 31, 1994

Consno. debtor bank/guarantor amount hfl

505 Privredna Banka 19.227.689,-

524 Jugo Banka 770.799,-

534 Splitska Banka 84.496,-

554 Istarska Banka 25.015,-